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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. You're making something out of nothing. He's not bitter. He said he likes this Detroit defense. They were # 2 last season. Maybe there's something to that.
  2. I thought you were one of them homosexuals.
  3. I love these new players. I can feel it. That's why I am predicting another superbowl appearance in early February for our beloved Ravens.
  4. I've been ranting about this guy for a couple years now. If healthy, he'll be another Adaleous.
  5. And our favorite time of the year is finally here.
  6. Didn't Wagner hurt his foot also last year before the season? Let's get this guy some fast actin' tenactin or something.
  7. Butler probably just made this team, from everything I'm hearing.
  8. Yeah, I see Maxx as a situational player this whole year. He's got a lot on his plate learning every detail of his game. I don't see him starting at all, but next year, that's different.
  9. I think my bet has a better chance than yours. No offense Crave, but I just don't see that. I believe that Flacco will be throwing to ALOT of different receivers this year, meaning that Perriman will be good, but not spectacular, a key ingredient to winning OROY. This team will win big this year because of every one of these 52 guys wearing purple and black. Yeaaaah babeee.
  10. Thunder- My gut just tells me he'll be fine. It may take all of camp, but he knows exactly what he has to do to succeed. If I'm wrong and you guys are right, I'll admit it and it's next man up. I like these players-all of them.
  11. Browns got some of the better fans in the NFL though. Hardcore drinkers and a good knowledge of the game. I liked their sportsmanship when Dennis Pitta went to the ground without being touched. They knew it was serious and 55,000 stood an clapped as Pitta was carted off. Browns have good defense but they;re offense needs some help. This tean will be contender soon enough.
  12. Agree. Suggs will be fine. Stop looking for shit.
  13. $50 on Ravens winning AFC @ 9 to 1 and another $50 on Ravens winning the superbowl @ 18 to 1. I feel better about this year than any other.
  14. I'm also thinking we don't beat Denver at Denver. The memory of that 1st game 2 years ago still bothers me. Are we a better team than Denver? Yes. I just don't feel that first one though.
  15. Should be a nice and cool 74 degrees ,unlike that unbearable 99 degree sunbake last time I went. My undershirt was soaking wet, but that was in early October. I'll be in my recliner with the heat on 73 degrees and watching the big screen. Oh and by the way Crave, I'll only be paying abouts 70 cents apiece for my beers and there is no wait in the mens room.
  16. I only heard this pup speculation after reading it in an article by a sports writer. I;m sure he knows better than you or I.
  17. This is possibly the best put together Raven team that I have seen since 1999. As I told Crave- we are going to the next superbowl with these guys and coaches. 12-4. and playoffs go through Baltimore this January.
  18. Crave- barring injuries, I think this secondary with the DB's and safeties is going to do a 180 degree turn around from last year. and YES, I'm predicting a superbowl appearance this year! Our defense will again be outstanding and our offense will be even better. Man, I can't wait to get this train rolling.
  19. Great read and Pitta highlights on Ravens.com today. Dennis even dunked the goal post. My quess is IF Dennis gets the clearance from his doctors, the Ravens will start him out on the PUP list. This will hold Pitta with the Ravens for six weeks while getting some good looks at Maxx, Boyle, and Gilmore in training camp. I'm starting to believe Pitta might just make it back. If so, the Ravens will have one of the very best tight end groups in the league.
  20. I'm predicting it- right here- right now- We're going to another super bowl. This year.
  21. Cross your fingers and hope for the injury bug to stay away. But even with some here and there, they are going to be much better than last year. I know this is early, but this entire team is solid in all three areas. At minimum, 11-5 or 12-4.
  22. Max- It's not a bad thing when a team doesn't have a true #1 receiver. When you do, the opposition knows where Joe is going most of the time. I like this set up, where you have many talented receivers and all about the same skill level. Joe is going to have a field day throwing to five different receivers and two or three tight ends. As long as our O line can hold up with their respective blocking schemes, this offense is going to click- big time. I'm pretty darned excited!
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