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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. He was the only player left on their board when their time to pick came. This dude is big and FAST. Has all the intangibles, but does drop too many passes. That problem will be fixed, guarantee it. Ravens have said it is a concentration problem that can be fixed. He also averages over 20 yards a catch and his YAC numbers are amazing. Just what we need with the departure of Torrey. So far, so good. Keep 'em coming.
  2. I'm going out on a limb here, I know. If Melvin Gordon is available at 26, the Ravens select him. And I predict he will be there.
  3. Right Crave. He's only thrown 25,000 yards in his career. Yeah, he's a bum. Seriously, let's get serious. Schaub is a great pick up for the Ravens. A perfect back up- should Joe get sidelined.
  4. Well I was wrong on Daniels. I only hope that I'm right about Forsett. As far as Tucker, Ravens should have signed him to a long term deal. To me, he's first round material. Last 4 games, he was responsible for 50 of the Ravens 88 points. What does that say about him?
  5. We could. It wouldn't upset me. BUT, does this team have a tight budget? Yesssssss.
  6. Justin Tucker ain't goin' nowhere. His accuracy can determine the outcome have at least 2-3 games a year. And Bisciotti wants playoff home games. Justin will get whatever he wants from the Ravens.
  7. I think Forsett stays. Webb stays. Daniels stays. PcPhee gone. Torrey gone. Ngata gone. Who else?
  8. I think it all depends on whether Webb is signed. If yes, I don't want Cary. Too old, rather take a young player from the draft. If Webby not signed, then we got problems and need all the F.A. help we can get.
  9. Anybody think another team snatches him up? Pittsburgh perhaps?
  10. I heard the presser in it's entirety. I hardly think Steve was making fun of people who jump off ledges. I think your entirely too sensitive, sort of like a whiny spoiled little girl. Too negative. Would hate to be you.
  11. SteveB. was referring to how the teams front office had reassured him that everything is going to be OK. SteveB. then joked, "i'm no longer on suicide watch". What's your beef with that? Lighten up.
  12. I know. I know. He will be gone by 26. But knowing that we need a solid DB and wide out, would you give that up for Gordon, if still there? I'd have to say yes. Forsett is now showing interest from other teams and RB is a key position for any offense, especially a good one. The run sets everything else up. What say you my Raven bretheran?
  13. Max, I agree. Last year, our D line was our biggest asset and who knows how healthy some of these guys can really stay? Capron Lewis- Moore, Urban, Jernigan? Look for one more D lineman in the draft this year.
  14. Ozzie WILL have to work his salary cap magic once again with this team. Big time.
  15. I'll take him back, absolutely! But, if he is not a good lockeroom guy, I would have Harbs have a long chat with him about the significance of strong leadership as a long time veteran of this league. Have him turn that aggression into the lockeroom like Ray Lewis did.
  16. Coach said it would be up to Dennis and his doctors. Pitta is going to say yes, while his doctors say no. Personally, I like Pitta. Good character guy with alot of talent. but like Harbaugh said, your health comes first. Dennis, I don't see you playing professional football again. You are going to be paid full salary this year. Take that money and invest it into something lucrative, go back to school and become a doctor or a lawyer, or a business owner. The world is yours and best of luck. On the Ravens side, they need to draft another tight end, period.
  17. And once again, another topic comes to an abrupt end.
  18. And once again you show your true colors by talking out of your ass.
  19. I Just got back here. At least you have to courage to come back here and talk about it. But saying Harbaugh should be at the bottom 3? How can you say that Rasta? Look at his record as the coach of the Ravens. Look at his playoff record. Perhaps you don't like some or even all of his in game play calling, but his recored speaks for itself. Something he is doing obviously works. Please explain.
  20. I Just got back here. At least you have to courage to come back here and talk about it. But saying Harbaugh should be at the bottom 3? How can you say that Rasta? Look at his record as the coach of the Ravens. Look at his playoff record. Please explain.
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