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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. Anybody know if Papa or Rasta is out with the flu?
  2. Most of these so called "writers" are probably family, friends, neighbors, or people who are owed a favor from the boss. This truly amazes me that NFL.com would not know the basic needs and weaknesses of the Ravens. Are they really this stupid or do they just not like the Ravens enough to care to look into it?
  3. Only behind Belicheat (#1) and Seattles head coach.(whathisname) That's why it totally befuddles me why some on this board (you know who you are) constantly ridicule and berate Harbaugh. Just beyond my comprehension. Perhaps some of you doubters can enlighten us.
  4. The Bears are thinking of letting him go. Lockeroom cancer because of his" put the spotlight on me, not them" attitude.
  5. Colorado regrets their decision Have you heard about their new found homeless problem, etc.
  6. Failure to obey a lawful order is one of those tricky/hard to convict charges. All Jimmy Smith would have to do is say that he did not know or understand that he was being ordered to leave by the police officer. It would be up to the state to prove that he did understand. The fact that the case was dismissed (nol pros) tells me that the state more likely than not, offered to place the case on the stet docket. (which means the case is placed on the inactive docket for 1 year, so long as Jimmy gets into no more trouble with the law for 1 year) If this was the case, Jimmy's lawyer probably rejected this, instead deciding to go to trial, believing that he would win the case based on the evidence of refusing to obey. Smith, being a so called VIP in the community, and with alot on the line, the state probably felt that it was not worth it to go to trial. That's my educated guess, based on my knowledge and experience of the criminal judicial system. It's merely an educated guess.
  7. Insufficient evidence to convict.
  8. Oh yeah, I forgot.
  9. I hope the announcers stay on topic the whole game about The Patriots thing. All Game!
  10. I remember telling my buddy at a raven game back in 1996. I told him, "don't watch anything at all except number 52. This guy is all over the place. A tackle machine". Back then, Ray was a tall skinny kid, like C.J. Great numbers comparison, but way to early to say they are the same beast.
  11. Non payment of child support is a civil issue. When it becomes flagrant to the point that deadbeat dad hasn't made a payment in 4 or 5 years and has failed to appear after being duly served with subpoena, then the case can be taken to the state's attorney's office with a request to criminally charge him. It does happen. That's the only way to sentence a guy to jail for this offense. Arrest warrants can also be issued for civil matters. I've served enough of them. Hill needs to pay the freakin' money and get his head out of his arse.
  12. I'm thinking 0 game suspension. He'll pay the 16K and it all goes away.
  13. Which would mean that IF any charges prevail, it would be for not taking care with due diligence for his dog, not for beating the it. I'd say NO charges forthcoming. Also, on another note, if anyone has any photos of Terrance Cody shirtless when he reported to the Ravens in his rookie season, please post it, then compare it to the photo in this thread of Brandon Williams. Night and day. I would respectfully submit that Cody did the same thing to his body that he did to his dog. He didn't take care of either. That's why he is no longer a Raven.
  14. Once again, I agree 100% Max. As far as running the football, Harbaugh will make it very clear to Trestman that the Baltimore Ravens love to run the ball. We also can not forget that much of Justin Forsett's success came from new offensive line blocking schemes by Gary Kubiak. Harbs will also make that very clear with Trestman. We all learned alot from Kubiak, which lead to a good offensive show last year. Harbs is very intelligent. These schemes will continue next year.
  15. Personally, I hope we try very hard to keep Justin. Good tailback, rock solid football player, and all around class act. I agree he is a young 30 yrs. old and has one full year in our system. I think Ravens should take him on for a 2 yr. deal and grab another back in the draft. Whether he moves on to another team, that depends on the benjamins. Always does. We'll have to wait and see..
  16. He's a playa - the real deal.
  17. He's trying to downplay it, which is, coincidentally something that guilty people do all the time.
  18. You're right Grubbs. Apologies all the way around. People like him really get under my skin. He's alot worse than condenscending. I don't even know the word for it. But, in any event, I'm done talking to that guy. Thanks for the wake up Grub.
  19. Let me get this straight with you. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? I'd bet my house you wouldn't talk this shit to my face, would you lollypop? You asked me a simple question-I gave you a straight answer. But, no you're a big bad adminisrator. You're allowed to talk to anyone of us peons what ever way you want. If you want to take this further, tough guy, let me know, punk. Shit or get off the pot tough guy behind the computer.
  20. I was making a point that this thread would get many many times more responses if it was in the Ravens forum. The Sun forum on this subject now has about 225 responses on this same subject. We have about 15.
  21. People don't know where to find it, that;s my point. And who said that everyone who posts here does or doesn't know this story? What are you even talking about? And this IS a Ravens story. We started this investigation by tipping off the Colts. We lost to them by four in a divisional playoff game. I give a fart what the Sun does. I read and participate in their forums also. Who are you to decide what if anybody gives two farts about it? You are the one with the anger issues about this, judging by your response to me. Let it go Lollypop. Just because you're an administrator here doesn't give you the right to bully others who are not.
  22. And he's an outright LIAR. Period.
  23. Actually, he said that the Ravens "tipped off" the Colts before their AFC championship game with N.E. Personally, as a Ravens fan, I'm proud of that fact. Way to go Ravens F.O.
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