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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. Thanks for responding Dee. Crave already owned up to it. I also like to look at the Sunpapers Ravens talk forums. There, they have the Patriots scandal in the Ravens threads. FYI: There are hundreds of responses and posts there. Obviously, that scandal is worthy of being in the their Ravens talk. And what I said about the NFL general forum here is true. Very few people even read it. This scandal is big and deserves to be where the vast majority of people like to go read and respond. Just my opinion.You and Craven are wrong on this issue.
  2. Appreciate it if you check with me first. This is a big story and would get 10 x the responses on the Ravens side. Few posters even come here.
  3. That's what peeves me Crave. These bastards ran up a 45 to 7 score while cheating. Balz!
  4. I posted this on the Ravens site. We lost by 4 to these cheaters. It belongs on the Ravens forum. Dee? How about putting it where it belongs? I had a valid reason to post it there.
  5. All of them by at least 2 lbs. Yet Nancy Brady thinks that is funny to him. Here's a QB with about 10 years experience as a starter and he doen't feel that the ball is lighter than usual? Now that's funny. The NFL investigation is still continuuing. They want to talk to the officials also, but the Patrriots, who already have a rep as cheaters, have alot of explaining to do. The NFL is pissed about this and I, for one, hope they drop a bomb on these guys for this. They should lose 2 # 1 picks for this and be fined at minimum $500K, with Belicheat having to pony up 1/4 of it.
  6. Gotcha Crave. Makes sense. I can see them doing that. I really can.
  7. This is what happens to a successful franchise like the Ravens. And I agree with you 100%. Mike Shanahan.
  8. What it it with these guys. They can't win it all unless they cheat? Letting air out of the opposing teams football? Are you kidding me? What a great story for your town right before a superbowl. I actually hope the NFL finds them guily of this offense. Couldn't happen to a better team. Makes you wonder if they did the same to us.
  9. Of course, I'm talking about Kubiak. At first, I said Kubes in staying because he told us that. It's different now. If he actually was staying, he wouldn't be in Denver right now. The question, of course, then is, how is this offer from Elway any better than the one in Baltimore? Man I hope I'm wrong, but I think he's going to Denver.
  10. Torrey could have extended for the play. Reached out, dove, anything to at least get some fingers on the ball. Had he done that, it might have been an incomplete pass. He didn't try and that's what bothers me. Personally, the Pats secondary got into Torrey's head that day. Two personal fouls is not like Torrey Smith. He had a bad game.
  11. This will be the second time that Elway has royally screwed Baltimore. It's time for some payback.
  12. Papa-can you do us a favor and lose your spacecraft. It burns my eyes.
  13. Torrey had a bad day, letting his defenders get into his head. Two personal fouls and a half hearted effort to catch the ball in the end zone. A great effort, at the least, ensures that no one catches that ball. Not a good day for Torrey.
  14. And I couldn't be more proud of them. What a year. The Rice incident, the bad publicity, Rice kicked off the team. And then throughout the rest of the season, 19 players, many 1st stringers, go on I.R., lost for the entire season. Yet, we go into the 1st seed's house and lose by just four points, one game away from an AFC championship game. Guys, I got no complaints. This is our Ravens. I'm so proud that this is our team.
  15. Papa- We are going to New England in the divisional round. We beat Pittsburgh in a huge upset. We are of just 8 teams left in the playoffs. We are playing at a high level after a disastrous season with Ray Rice and all the injuries. Man, this is a cinderella story. What are you complaining about? Why are you bad mouthing these guys? What is wrong with you?
  16. Syl- just wanted to remind you that the Ravens won that game, 30 to 17. I am not calling this game but do believe we have a better shot at winning at New England than we did at Pittsburgh.
  17. I agree that we should run the football. But, if that isn't working, then what? I think we need to just play to win, like we did in the Steel City. Mix it up. If our receivers can't get open, go with the short stuff down the field. Go with screen plays and alot of boot legs. Joe has much success with that. Going down field on occasion works also, but mix it up. The run sets up the pass and the pass sets up the run. Play aggressive. Play to win ! On defensive, again no conservatism, no playing 10 yards off the receiver. Play hard and aggressive for 60 complete minutes and rattle Brady's cage non stop.
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