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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. I don't care what anybody thinks, this IS A LYNCHING.
  2. No, but I'm sure that is what you are hoping for. So sad.
  3. 35 to 7? Come on man.
  4. So are you.
  5. Excellant post. Where were they?
  6. Agree 100 %. And Papa-you have made some stupid ones. Now you're a detective, states attorney, and mind reader all balled up into one. People like you make me sick. This guy has been a model of the community and Ravens Org. for several years now, and one stupid alcohol induced mistake, big one albeit, and you want to massacre him, while having evrybody involved in the investigation fired. Your an idiot. Get a freakin' life.
  7. Thank you for bringing some sanity back to this board.
  8. I guess none of you haters ever told a lie, huh? Yet, you sanctimoniously judge others. Hypocrites. I expect that from some on this board, but not others.
  9. Somebody needs to get a grip.
  10. I'd just like to stop all the hating.
  11. You're exactly right.
  12. I feel bad for these guys. Between the emotion of the Rice case, the unwanted bad publicity of the organization, they are expected to go out and beat the Pittsburgh Steelers, luckily at home. I;ll be damned proud of these guys if they can win this one.
  13. V- That;s the point I was trying to make.The players didn't do anything wrong, the city didn;t do anything wrong, and we the fans didn't do anything wrong. And I hope other fans do exactly what YOU are going to do Thursday night. GET behind this team. Show them your love and support!
  14. Way to pile on guys. Like a pack of cowardly dogs. I as a fan, am not disgraced. I wasn't the one who knocked out my fiancee on an elevator. The city of Baltimore either. The Raven players either. Get a fucking grip.
  15. Tornado700


    Jungle- Great game plan by your defensive coordinator. He took Kubiak right out on the very first play and didn't stop. Cincy has a damn good football team with a lot of talent.
  16. I agree.
  17. I could rave and rant about how somebody lied to me about how good this team is, but, I won't. Why? Way too early. Let;s face it, we sucked today. Complete lack luster performance. We had a bad game. But we have 15 more starting Thursday night on national TV against our biggest rival. Something tells me that we erase all memory of today's game come Friday morning. If we stink up the Bank on Thursday, then I'll acknowledge that I was lied to. Let's wait and see. It'as a long season fella's.
  18. W'ell all be hearing his name LOUD and long this season. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccce!
  19. I agree Crave. Our D has to rattle that Tiger cage. And the noise WILL be deafining.
  20. Lets get it on. Beat Cincy soundly and decisively. Set the tone on sunday!
  21. Yep, time for the orange and black to lose one!
  22. I hope you're right. We'll be there. I got my info from the sunpapers. Not surprised.
  23. Who does that bode better for, Ravens or Bengals? I'm not sure but would have to think the Bengals. You?
  24. Like Ray Lewis use to tell the QB that he just sacked, I'll say the same. "I'll be back".
  25. Hmmm. Weird. Very weird indeed. I feel exactly the opposite. Home crowd will get into Dalton's head. Then it gets ugly.
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