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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. They had a poll question during the game. "Would you be comfortable with Tyrod Taylor if he had to replace Flacco?" My immediate response was an overwhelming NO. You're either a first or second. TT is a second.
  2. Geronimo- Are you saying that he should be put in for certain types of gadget plays or should be put in for entire series?
  3. God, I hope he's going to be OK. If it's another bad one, then he's not meant to be. Very sad.
  4. And he's right. Too bad most around here refuse to believe him.
  5. I just hope that all you pessimistic boobs got a little excited at our first offensive drive. Just a taste of things to come. Rice/ Pierce looked great. Rick Wagner and Oline looked great. Flacco looked great. Both tight ends looked great. 80 yards in 8 plays, and they made it look easy against a very good S.F. defense. I'm not going to lie. Most of you know- it -all nay sayers make me sick in the stomach.
  6. As I've been saying all year, this is a new team, a better team, and again, I am one of the very few posters on this board who had any faith in Rick Wagner. It's too early and only one practice game, but this team is for real.
  7. In Bush W's second term, the Senate and Congress were both democratly lead. Good o'le Barney Frank from Massachusetts and his cohorts insisted that the government force the banks to deregulate, another words, relax their standards since all people deserved to own a house. (even people who couldn't afford them.) The law was passed by both houses, it took effect, the greedy took advantage, the housing boom was over, the banks were hit hard, the stock market crashed, the economy went ka-putz, the national debt skyrocketed, the value of the dollar went down, and here we are, with our d***s in our hands,
  8. What about Obama. Does he get any blame from you ?
  9. They'll throw the ball alot this year. Short dump offs, intermediates, and everything else. Don't get too alarmed folks.
  10. I was watching a show called greed and scams the other day. Some guy in Ocala, Fla. started up a mortgage finance business up in 2004. It was the biggest mortgage scam in the history of this country. This guy bought million dollar homes all over the world, yachts, vintage cars, jets, airplanes, you name it -he had it. He employed 2500 people. When the sh*t hit the fan, all 2500 were fired, Colonial Bank went down, Fannie Mae and the many others. The show's narrator said that it started the collapse of the market in the Fall of 2008. My point is this Crave. George Bush did not start this stock market and 401 crash. Neither did Obama. GREED did! My point about Obama was this: He tried to bail it these same banks at the tune of 780 billion dollars of tax payer's money. It's failed miserably. Stop blaming Bush. It's an excuse. And someone should tell Mr. Obama that real men don't blame others for their problems. I'm just asking you to get real.
  11. Crave- did you know that people are now worth approximately 70% of what they had when Obama was first elected?
  12. OK, I'll bite. If you think Al Quada is dead because Obama says it is, I've got this really neat bridge I'd like to sell.....
  13. Please Crave, enough of the "Bush" stuff. Obama has been president fot 6 1/2 years now. I just can't take it anymore.
  14. Iregardless, You don't urinate on a dead mans grave. Period!
  15. I'm getting nervous about this corner situation.
  16. 1.) Ravens (11-5) 2.) Bengals ( 10-6) 3.) Steelers (9-7) 4.) Browns (7-9)
  17. Maybe, but I have a right to ask, do I not?
  18. Now, to you. For starters, my post was specifically to Papa. Not to you. I was going to actually answer you with a well prepared thought out response, but then I said to myself, who is this guy? So, I'll answer it this way. Mind your own damn business.
  19. There is no video that shows Ray Rice punching anything. Pure speculation and innuendo. The courts know it and the NFL knows it. It's time to let this sleeping dog lie. It just won't hunt, as they say. All of you liberals who are shrieking and wreaking over this, get a life. He will return in Cleveland and I for one am pretty happy about that.
  20. I agree. The assistant O.C. can view the defensive formations and advise Kube.
  21. Papa- actually, I think that post was intended for my viewing pleasure.
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