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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. I'm happy and relieved. Good day for most Raven fans.
  2. With these kind of fans, it's not hard to see why the Browns are cellar dwellars year in and year out.
  3. I am both relieved and happy. Relieved that it's over with. Happy that it is only 2 games. I am certain that a lot went into this decision. Did she attack him first whereas Ray was placed in a situation to defend himself. Did he actually INTEND to knock her unconscience. The answer to that is- of course not. Ray's prior criminal behavior. Was Ray a stand up guy representing the NFL prior to this incident. What is the likelihood of this happening again. What did the criminal justice system do about this incident. And probably many more questions. Based on all of these questions, Ray Rice received a 2 game suspension. Fair? Absolutely.
  4. Papa- You don't have a favorite NFL team? Seriously? What a lonely life you must have.
  5. I love this picture. Look at the 9er fan. What's that saying? He who laughs last....
  6. OK, so Joe did that. Should we throw all of his qualifications and accomplishments out the window? BTW, Papa, who is your favorite NFL team?
  7. When is Roger going to announce the disposition of Ray Rice? I'm on pins and needles. Is it 6, 4, 2, 1, none, what?????????
  8. I'm changing my prediction from 11-5 to 7-9. If Rasta says that's what will happen, then that's what's going to happen. He is the only real Einstein on this board.
  9. I agree 100%. I'm optimistic, based on a fundlemental knowledge of the game. I see good players, good coaches, a good playing environment and can put 2 and 2 together. We'll take the AFCN.
  10. How did cocaine get into this? I heard that he refused to obey a lawful order of a police officer and was taken to the precinct, and handed a summons to appear at a later date. Coke? Roofies? What is up with all this speculation guys? Really.
  11. Several sports writers have already come out, predicting the Ravens will win the AFCN. I agree with them.
  12. You can squabble all you want about Torrey, but he is our number one receiver, AND an overall stand up kid.
  13. I would think so. He was arrested, same as Rice. Pretty sure of it.
  14. I just read your crap and shake my head. You Are a hater. Anything Baltimore.
  15. Then why is he here, to just F with people?
  16. More hate from the hater. If you don't like most of our players and coaches, find another team to root for. The Redskins are just down the road a bit.
  17. Papa- you're nothing but a hater. Must suck to be you.
  18. They will this year, Crave, I promise you. That D line and back ups can play.
  19. The defensive line is going to be outstanding this year. Brandon Williams is a beast in the making, Jerrigan looks like the promised deal, and Kapron-Moore is now ready to do the things he did while dominating at Notre Dame. Our back ups would start on most teams. No running on the Ravens D line this year. Ooowhaaa!
  20. I love Ed Reed. But only as a player and a man. I don't see him as a good coach though. Too laid back. Now Ray would be a coach who would fire everybody up.
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