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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. Yes he was Crave. And I'll bet anything these guys don't buy a single drink themselves. Raven fans buy it for them. No wonder they get drunk.
  2. Speaking of lines, how many for you so far this day?
  3. That's just great. Ray likely to be suspended for 4 games, now Talieferro, who was expected to pick up the slack. Can Pierce go 4 full games without getting hurt? No. This shit is starting to get to me.
  4. I'm getting the gut feeling that Ray Rice's imminent suspension may very well have an impact on whether we take the division this year. But I still go with over. 10-6.
  5. I'm keeping score. Crav'n- 3 Geronimo-0
  6. This case is now closed, unless Ray violates the agreement. Therefore, we are not going to see the elevator video. At first, I always said 4 game suspension but think now that it will be 2 games. (and big games at that)
  7. Exactly. It's just an opinion. Stop the Flacco hate.
  8. A very good blocker with soft hands. I'm liking this guy already.
  9. I've never gotten drunk with him, but beleive that he is one of our two starting defensive tackles. Brandon will play a lot also.
  10. Nice job Em. Pretty much how I see it too.
  11. And it's your job here to make sure I get my pee pee slapped, right? Right.
  12. Since you're the smartest guy in the room Spen, explain how, #1, I'm a bigot because I don't like the sight of two men kissing? And more importantly, Spen, M.D., # 2, the corrolation of that and hating women? Tell me how they tie together.This ought to be good.Maybe your liberal friend DC (brain) can help you out.
  13. Are you an asshole? Answer is yes.
  14. OK lady, I'm a bigot. And it doesn't upset me at all.
  15. Oh dash nysh.
  16. Never once said c-sucker or get in the closet. I said stay in the closet. The rest? Humor using the trix cerial motto. Humor. Relax and laugh a little.
  17. Rob- I have two predictions: One= Sams gets signed. And two= the first guy he hits is a tight end.
  18. When are you going to get it through that thick scull of yours that I am not hating on him because he is gay, I'm just hating the fact that he slobbered over another mans face on TV.
  19. Or wide receiver. Hey DC, if you demand that we love 'em, I'm gonna demand that we laught at 'em.
  20. You can try to convince all you want. Not happening. BTW, that was, "silly faggott, dix are for chix".
  21. Yes, it was a random Sun poll. But then you say it's meaningless? Why, because you disagree with it? How mature of you. Look, I really don't give a sh*t what anybody does behind closed doors, and either do most people, as your REAL statistical polls show. But my complaint is showing two men swapping spit on TV. That's what 86% disagree with. Oh, and by the way silly faggott, chix prefer dix.
  22. If I remember, Aaron Mellette was having a great preseason before he got hurt. I think we got something going on with this guy.
  23. If I see some dude wearing his jersey, it's a good bet that he's also got "rainbows" on his back window or bumper. Just saying....
  24. I guess that means that 86% are bigots. According to a Sun poll, 86% said that kiss was innapropriate for TV. Personally, I think it was disgusting. There is nothing uglier in this world than two men kissing. Signed: The vast majority. PS: Deal with it, unless you are turned on by that sort of thing.
  25. Crave- it was reported that if Dallas had not taken Martin, and he was available to the Ravens, that we STILL would have taken CJ before Martin because he was rated higher on the board. Hey, I'm perfectly happy with Wagner or whoever Harbs goes with. Our Oline HAS improved from last year-they will be better regardless. Let's see what Wagner has to offer. Remmeber, he broke his foot last year early. He now comes in bigger, stronger, quicker and faster.
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