Embarrassing. Our only hope is that Cinci plays their second string like we did last game, last year in Cincy. Even then, I doubt we could beat them. Next year, everything has to go into the offensive line.
I am a little. After all, Joe's improvement in his game late in the season has been his ability to move around in the pocket and take off, if necessary.
Absolutely crazy. Guaranteed a fist fight to the finish. Ravens can not give one iota of an inch to New England. Sunday Night Football folks blew this one. Clearly biggest game of the week.
I'm still not convinced. Next three will show the world. But, like they say, it's one game at a time. Beat Lions on the road and they really get my attention.
I got them beating Minn. Losing at Detroit. Losing vs. New England. Then winning vs. Bengals (for the exact same way they beat us last year, last game of reg. season. They will rest their starters. Sorry fellows. Not this year.
Rasta-Geronimo, you just can't along with anybody, no matter where you go. I personally don't think you are obsessive compulsive. A narcisist? Absolutely. Go ahead and get the last word in Mr. "I know everything about everything". You always do. Just part of your psychologolical profile. By the way, defense has no 'c's in it.
I'll take the four seasons to anything, anywhere. I distinctly remember that Miami weather. Too hot, muggy, humid, and downright uncomfortable. No thanks Bub.
I can accept interceptions thrown when your receiver slips, or runs the wrong route, or the pressure is coming hot and heavy. But stupid interceptions, like the one last week, no. Joe makes BIG money to win games for us, not lose them. He needs to do some serious soul searching.
Our offensive line played their butts off yesterday. But on one play, Joe drops back to throw a 10 yard outpattern. All he has to do is "lob" the ball over the DE's hands. Joe doesn't throw it "high" enough and what happens? 7 points the other way. We lose by 3. This stupidity has got to stop. Once again, it cost us a football game.
Who just lost another game for the Ravens? Joe Flacco, that's who. His three turnovers cost us 10 points, and another loss in a close game. How many times has this happened this year? Probably four. I'm done. Like I said before, you can't win them all.
Short and sweet. 75% on the entire Oline. This has contributed greatly to the demise of the running game, long pass, screen plays, and overall QB play. Simply put, these guys can not run block, pass protect, or pick up the blitz.
As a matter of fact, I'm thinking we go up to Chicago this Sunday and beat the Bears. Look at last week. We held an outstanding offensive team to just 10 points with 2 seconds on the clock. Our defense is clicking now. I think we go up there and rattle this second string QB's cage a little. I think we hold the Bears to around 100 total yards rushing. I think our offense runs better and throws better. (Chicago is not a good defensive team, giving up 27 points per game average) You can put up points against them. I think Harbs wants to put this "can't win on the road thing" behind them. And I'm guessing they come home with a win, in another close one. 24 to 17.