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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Tornado700

  1. Absolutely!
  2. And in a big way. That's my weeks prediction.
  3. Yeah, I just don't get Jimmy Smith. He has awwsome ability. It's all in his head. This may well be his last year as a Raven. It's the Raven way.
  4. I gotta agree. Ravens win big this Sunday.
  5. Was he throwing in the white towel? When you're getting burned in a fire, you get the hell outta there.
  6. Are you serious?
  7. What better learning experience is there after getting clobbered by Peyton Manning in the first game of the regular season. Alot of good may very well come out of this loss. Something tells me that it will. I still believe in my heart that it'll take a few more bumps and bruises during the month of September until this team finds it's niche and comes together as a full team. No need to panic, it's a long season, thank God. We'll be just fine. One game at a time.
  8. Awhile back, we talked about the Ravens "on paper". All agreed that this team was pretty darned good, maybe even better than last years team- "on paper." We just watched this same team get a severe butt whoopin' by Denver, especially the defense. And now everybody's down. But why? Nothing has changed. It appears that right now this team is not playing close, as a team. Not even close. But you know what? They will because that's Harbaugh's job. And we all know the job will get done. Through practice, games, and experience, this team will get it together where they are playing as one cohesive, firing on all cylinders, well oiled machine. It happenend last year and it's going to happen again this year. Next 3 or 4 games are going to be tough, but when it happens, it's going to be worth the wait. All is good in Raven land. This is a good football team. Patience.
  9. I'm not giving up on Dallas yet. Too early. Now, Dickson is a different story. He can't catch and can not hold onto the ball after a hit.
  10. Just total ugliness. Defense was, I don't know where to begin. 7 TD passes against a Ravens defense? They gotta alot of work to fix this. Alot.
  11. And sleep tonight.
  12. It's 8:53 and the game is delayed due to weather. Another conspiracy against the mighty Ravens? Say it ain't so, JOE.
  13. I hope you're right buddy. It's game day and I'm starting to get some decent vibes here.
  14. Crave- I was thinking about that. It almost seems that if you go to that free concert, you're not really a Raven fan, right? So, I wouldn't be surprized if the downtown bar and lounge associations paid for this Keith Urban enertainment, knowing that cocert goers have no choice but to come to then to watch this game. It's always about the almighty buck.
  15. This whole thing seems pretty wierd. I just hope it's not bad. Anybody heard anything? Nobody is talking.
  16. And the Ravens are a big, physical defensive line.
  17. Sorry to suffice, but my head is telling me 23 to 13, Broncos. Man I hope I'm wrong. Anybody optimistic? Your scores?
  18. Yeah, Reed did display those qualities, but it was late in his career. Pitta is a young man with humungous talent and upswing. I worry about his mindset when he gets back. It's sort of like a baseball player who gets beaned in the head and is never the same. I'm hoping Dennis is not one of those guys.
  19. Yeah, but really O.S.? Intentionally sabotage a super bowl? I guess anything is possible but extremely unlikely. I know most fans and media around the NFL don't like us, but I just don't buy it. Yes, the 35 minute delay helped the 9ers regroup, and they did recover- more power to them. But, bottom line- we held it together at the end and WON!
  20. Said that his hip dislocation was the worst, most excruciating pain that he's ever felt. Even a high dose of morphine did nothing to help. Could this get even worse for Dennis? Could he be gun shy when he recovers and goes over the middle? Afraid to take a hit? Anybody have examples of others doing this?
  21. We all knew this was gonna happen. Good luck to Bobby.
  22. Just for the sake of argument. Let's just say, it wasn't mechanical, it was intentionally turned off. My question: How would the people who turned it off know that turning it off would also mean the Ravens would turn off? And the 49ers would turn on? See where I'm going with this? How would anybody know who would benefit and who wouldn't? C'mon guys, this is as bad as the 911 conspiracy theories.
  23. Too early to cut him O.S. Let's see what he can do in real games. Personally, I think he will be OK. I do think that Juice is going to be catching at least 3 per game until the league game plans against him.
  24. I didn't think they would be posted yet but are. Denver by 9.
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