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Everything posted by 52isUnstoppable

  1. I said we were the class of the division in a post not even directed at you at all! then you said HAHA LMAO steelers are the class of the division. Thats your opinion but you started it up dumbass. I wasnt even talking to you. and Vmax had a great point. Go talk about the steelers shitty draft on a steelers message board or even on the steelers section of this message board but keep your mindless, non descript "i love the steelers draft" talk where it belongs, this is RAVENS draft talk.
  2. he tried to address the WR in FA. Housh and Evans were both solid contributors on their previous teams, just werent clutch when we really needed them to be. If housh catches the last pass of 2010 he was a great FA, if Evans catches the last pass of 2011 he was a great pickup. Maybe he didnt address center last year because he thought Birk still had some tread on the tires, obviously by the end of the season Birk was toast. Either way those issues have been addressed now. What do you think our biggest need is right now, today, what position? steel- go away please, what point are u trying to make? u won a bunch of divisions in years past that means in years past you WERE the class of the division. We swept the entire division THIS season, that means we ARE the class of the division.
  3. i think Oz has us in perfect shape. Our window is wide open for years... We have young cornerstone pieces in place. The most important position in Football is QB, we have our guy for the next 5-10 years. We have a top 3 RB who is young. We have torrey smith set to be our guy for a while. We locked down Webb for a while hes young. Suggs is still young and hes DMVP. Nagata is young, cody, Upshaw now. Yanda will be here a while, KO or gradkowski, one of those two will stick. We are only really unsure about the safety spots. I mean damn we could be in a lot worse shape. Besides this years draft picks all our young guys have playoff experience already. We are primed for a SB run.
  4. dont the O's start hot every year? Shit they went 5-0 last year to start and look what happened. The pitching gets figured out, the bats cool down and they pack it in by june. LIke cleetz said we will now a lot after this next stretch.. Im not about to spend a dime at the yard until I see this team by the end of may
  5. I tried to keep the thread on topic but as soon as I said we are the class of the division this squeeler moron opened his mouth to remind us how inferior we are to those tebowed scumbags. So I had to put him in his place. Back to the draft thread now. Listened to the fan this morning. Preston bashed the draft hard, no big surprise I know.. He was saying how other than upshaw we didnt get players from perenially powerhouse colleges. But then a caller pointed out that in the first round no one from Florida, florida state, michigan, ohio state.. no one was a first rounder from these schools. Also another caller brought up that Upshaw slid so far because he got a domestic violence charge in 09. draft grades for each draft should really be done 3 years later. Like we should just now be grading the 09 draft. Who the hell knows what any players will become or not become? I will say this, ozzie flunked this one.. 2004 3 82 Baltimore Ravens Darling, DevardDevard Darling WR Washington State Pac-10 from Minnesota[15] 2 51 Baltimore Ravens Edwards, DwanDwan Edwards DT Oregon State Pac-10 6 187 Baltimore Ravens Harris, JoshJosh Harris QB Bowling Green MAC 5 153 Baltimore Ravens Green, RoderickRoderick Green DE Central Missouri State MIAA from Green Bay via Miami[19] 6* 199 Baltimore Ravens Moore, ClarenceClarence Moore WR Northern Arizona Big Sky 7* 244 Baltimore Ravens Abney, DerekDerek Abney WR Kentucky SEC 7* 246 Baltimore Ravens Rimpf, BrianBrian Rimpf G East Carolina C-USA
  6. broke his jaw here took him out the game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvCuubnACTw nice clean hit, look at rashard eyes before he take the hit, scared shitless, pussy..
  7. big hits reallly has it come to that? avatar pictures? And when did harrison destroy reed? They're not even on the field at the same time. I remember the dirty hit joey porter put on heap when he had a broken ankle. I remember hines wards dirty hits on everyone, I remember the dirty helmet to helmet hit ryan clark did to mcgahee. Now lets some see some real hits that arent dirty the shot heard around the world, big ben the cameras are on you, u can act hurt again to look like a hero, i was at this game we won 27-0 had 7 sacks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj0hcW29Pyg&feature=related my personal favorite.... Jarret johnson forces hines ward into retirement, you know he cried in the lockerroom like he always does your fans are pathetic, when all the roethlisburger rape stuff came out all your fans hated ben, wanted him gone for tarnishing your precious legacy, then he won a couple games and it got swept under the rug, But we all know hes a scum bag, like yours fans. Heres a link to a few sites that suit you better forums.steelersfever.com/ www.steelernation.com/ sorry to get off the draft talk thread but its not like asshole was contributing anything worthwhile other than repeating "I love the steelers draft" like a 10 year old kid who knows nothing about football
  8. No ive been to pittsburgh four or five times the woman are ugly cows. And ed reeds age is moot since it hasnt changed his production at all. Hell even the nfl players voted reed and lewis the fourth and fifth best players in the league. So in reality our oldest players are still the better than any players on your roster. All steelers do talk shit and get their ass whooped like when rashard mendenhall said he was gonna truck ray lewis but instead ray broke his jaw that day. Literally broke his face. Youtube it. U got swept dude face it. Joe owns heinz field he sends ur ugly fat fans home crying every time we go up there. We r the class of the division whether ur too blinded by piss colored rags to see it. Two words TIM TEBOW.
  9. Id rather get booted from the playoffs by tom Brady then a rb playing qb. And id rather have a bad ass raven as my mascot than a fag in jean shorts and a construction hat like a village person named "steeley mcbeam". Its the gayest thing ive ever seen. Id rather have hot ass cheerleaders than live in a city with women too ugly to even find 30 hot enough to be cheerleaders. Id rather have a qb with a unibrow than a 30 year old fat headed mountain man who sexually assulted multiple woman. Id rather have ray lewis on my D than a guy who plays so dirty he gets fined 10x a season and doesnt understand why. Id rather sing the seven nation army than wave a urine stained rag around my head. Id rather have ed reed return ints than ryan clark talk shit all offseason and get stiffed armed in the dirt the first play of the season by a five foot tall ray rice. Id rather have lee evans drop a game winning td than have to get help from the refs on bullshit Calls like they do all the time because its more profitable for the nfl if the steelers advance than a small market team. Face it dude your qb is an old man and hes been beaten to death by suggs one too many times. He alone has been the sole reason for the steelers regular season record but without him youll be lucky to beat the browns. As everyone on here has said go talk shit on a steelers board. I used to troll other teams boards too when i was 14 years old but that was 13 years ago. Hopefully that fat ass troy polo is workibg out this offseason so he doesnt get burned on a crossing route by a TE like last year. Ur Defense is old, your qb is old and often injured, your secondary is average at best and ur new offensive line is nothing but rookies. We have two old players in ray and birk and the rest is youthful as any team in the league. We are on the rise u r on the decline as evident by ur lack of winning against tim fucking tebow. Literally the worst passing quarterback ive ever seen and ive seen bad qb play here for a long time
  10. Haha we swept the division dumbass. And made the playoffs 4 straight years dumbass. All u did was get tebowed. And beat a couple rape charges.
  11. Well when u rape a million picks out of oakland for a has-been qb who doesnt even want to play for u it makes the draft a little easier! And in the browns case sucking for so long gets u in the top five its not tough either. I keep hearing everyone say on 1057 how much better these other teams got but they dont understand basic math. Its easy to get 25% better when ur only a 50-60% complete team than it is to get 10% better when ur already an 85% complete team. We r still the class of the division and i think drafting at 29 out of 32 we did great. Upshaw alone made us better
  12. Hell yeah, i rarely post but believe i read Every thread everyday on here. I think ozzie held it down again. Getting upshaw was a great move, finally we have a legit pass rusher opposite suggs. We can dump kindle aka dan cody V2.0. Let kruger and upshaw battle in camp. Love streeter if he can develop and not be another yamon figurs. I like asa as a return man being we never have a legit return man. Our ST sucked last few years. The only thing i think we missed out on was moving up a few spots to get konz In the second rd. He could have slid right in birks spot and been an immediate upgrade. After the texans and pats game it was clear he is done. Evans and cundiff aside, birk is the reason we didnt make the superbowl.
  13. Just watched youtube highlights of bernard pierce. Dude has sick vision and a knack for the endzone. Loving this pick in the third. Should the ravens not sign rice after this season it wont be as big a dropoff as it would be
  14. Seems likes everytime I update PFT it's every team making moves but the ravens. I know Ozzie is a patient man, sitting back letting the chips fall and focusing on the draft but damn give me something to chew on for a few days. Signing Birk was literally the last guy i wanted back, he's done. This years team will either be addition by subtraction or subtraction by subtraction.
  15. lol, get the F*ck outta here...... I honestly cannot take a full offseason of Flacco bashing.. If I were Joe I'd ask not be resigned here and go somewhere else. The 20% of our fan base that is against Joe accounts for 100% of how the media feels and thinks we feel. Just once I want to hear "ya know, Joe flacco was one dropped pass away from a superbowl, maybe hes not the rex grossman we make him out to be"
  16. i know the timing may be too soon on this one but I actually smiled. It really was an epic fail by cundiff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev-PHSd6mxY
  17. so is gronk and hern. They are light years better. So is gresham, graham is first years hes better too. Heap would have hauled em in.
  18. yeah I figured the FG was a foregone conclusion. It was one of the shortest FGs of the season probably. The more i think of it Harbs/cundiff both F'd up big time not using that TO. What did they need it for? I guess Harbs didnt want call the TO, have cundiff hit it, then rekick and miss it. Icing themselves ala jason garret
  19. the problem with losing is now we have to listen to a whole offseason of uneducated media pundits, steelers fans, flacco haters in general say "flacco cant win the big one". As if Flacco had anythig to do with todays loss. He played his best playoff game ever and just like 3 out of his 4 season, his receivers drop balls in big situations. (clayton, housh, evans). If you showed me Flaccos stat line and Bradys stat line before the game Id say Ravens won by 14. The only thing I can think right now is Wow, what a way to lose such a winnable game. Cundiff may as well put his house on the market because I think I speak for every baltimore ravens fan in the world when I say "Billy Cundiff, you totally blew our entire season"
  20. out with the old, in with the new...... BTW, ive been a member for like 6 years, back before everything crashed and we lost our post counts and every offseason I say the thing on the bengals thread.... HOW THE FUCK DOES MARVIN LEWIS HAVE A JOB??? Like 1 playoff win in 10 years... Pathetic.
  21. that post actually goes against what Ed was saying. Ed was saying how rattled joe was and how he held on to the ball to long. Well usually when the defense is blowing up the offensive line and your receivers arent open they cant beat one on one and theres no where to go with the ball you get sacked. Its not like watching Brady/Big Jen sit there and pat the ball five times while pump faking and looking left to right. Big Jen is king of hanging on the ball too long. The red zone and the inability to get 4th and 1 has been totally confusing all season. We can average 4 yards a run all day but we never get the 4th and inches. It makes no sense when leach is lead blocking. I understand its not like jamal lewis behind J.O. but come on. Seems like the only time we convert it is when we run play action off it. There was a million times this season when I was begging to run a FB fake, HB toss. Cam really needs to learn how create one on ones for rice. If I was cam cameron and I had ray rice I would go back watch every single game tape of marshall faulk 2000-2004. He did all his damage in the open field same as rice. If Rice was on a turf team like the old rams or colts with harrison/wayne he would have broke records.
  22. I am soooo sick of hearing about this story all day on every single media outlet. Ed Reed has got to be the single dumbest player in the NFL for calling out his own quarterback a week before the biggest game of BOTH their careers. Maybe Flacco should call out Reed for dropping TWO interceptions sunday that could have ended that game alot sooner. I thought Flacco played great on Sunday. I was there I saw everything right in front me, not like on TV where they follow the ball. The texans D was legit. Heres what I saw. I saw receivers dropping passes left and right, especially early in the game when Flacco could really use a rythm and gain confidence in his receivers. Ray rice slipped on his cut, no receivers were actually getting open consistently I saw an offensive line get absoluted man handled by the texans. They moved Flacco off the spot all day, they distrupted everything. He never had a clean pocket. I saw our run game struggle all day, this problem can be related to the offensive line getting beat so bad. They had no push whatsoever. Only one screen was successfull all day. Ricky ran hard but rice was a non factor. I saw our special teams play like a non playoff contender. Giving up the big opening run back after winning the toss and choosing to kickoff. Stepping on the goalline when trying to stop a punt on the one. I saw mediocre return game, cant even remember the last time we ran back a kick or punt. I think webb had one this year. Add it all up, no receiver help, running for his life all day, no run game to balance shit out. When you factor it all in and consider he had 2 tds and 0 ints thats great to me Reasons for optimism. 1. NE D line is not gonna bitch our pissed off Oline, Flacco should stay clean 2. NE O line is not gonna bitch our pissed off Dline, Suggs should be fired up 3. We cant possible play worse.
  23. In years past I would attend at least 4 or 5 games a season. Me and the same group of friends would tailgate by the RESCO smokestack off 295. Get drunk, eat the $4 pitbeefs on ridgley street, get drunk some more. It was so fun. Since then we've grown some, got careers, kids, wives, and one of us moved to florida. This year due to financial constraints I couldnt make it to a single game.. Sad I know. So when my buddy called me the other day and said he had 5 tickets to the game, and that our florida friend "the self proclaimed single greatest baltimore ravens in the tampa bay area" was coming up for the game I nearly died. It will mark the first time in a long while since we were all together and any of us will tell you there is no place on the entire planet we would rather be than in that stadium on sunday. In case your wondering what 5 tickets go for in section 534 after shipping and service fees... $1425.43. We wanted to get em sooner rather than later because if Pitt comes to town you can add another 30-50% to the value of those tix. So I ask you gentlemen, and ladies(dee), what your take on wild card weekend Den/Pitt If Pitt scores 10 points before Den can put up anything then Pitt wins big. If Denver hangs around and plays that nasty D they can keep it close Pitt 21 Den 10 Cin/houston Dont like Yates, Like Dalton, like the bengals in general. I think Cin wins a shootout Cin 31 Hou 24 I think AFN represents and moves on. 3 division rivals hit divisional playoffs. Pit@Bal and Cin@NE
  24. How purple will fedex field be?
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