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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by RavenMad

  1. But he also tripped him and grabbed him while the ball was in the air so PI was the right call.
  2. Nope. That would be a waste of a pick. Too many character concerns and there is the rumor about a drug/alcohol problem hence he was kicked out of LSU. You don't get kicked out of an SEC team unless you are bad news. You give him a shot as an UFA and nothing more.
  3. Cleaveland scored more than your season average of points allowed, ergo your D got punished by the Browns. What's it like losing to the Browns? It must really suck, maybe you could borrow this for a while:
  4. Very good article. Did anyone else notice how crap the routes were on most of those plays that were highlighted. Where are the patterns that force a safety to make a decision thus opening up an option for Flacco. Perhaps his confidence level is low on the road because he doesn't have confidence in the plays being called. Maybe the offense is kept too simple on the road because of communication problems and that makes things worse. Perhaps next offseason, we should be spending half our time indoors with loud croud noise being pumped in through the speakers to give the offense a simulation of an away game and make them practice and learn how to do better.
  5. Please crav, whatever you do don't say that little word that rhymes with laketalk!
  6. No way Ray made it. He was down just over the 35 and had to get to the 34 and they gave him the 33!
  7. Great, another seafood restaurant to try the next time I'm over. I really liked Cravs suggestion of Joe's crab shack and will be back there the next time. My little boy who was just 18 months old at the time had a great time at Joe's as they are very family friendly.
  8. I have a choice of getting a Kindle Fire HD 16gb for £159 or about $240 or a Blackberry Playbook 64gb for £129 or about $190. They both seem to have pros and cons but I just can't decide what to do. It's for my wife and she wants to be able to read on it hence the kindle is an option but wants to be able to do other things like watch movies, play games, listen to music etc. Does anyone have experience of either device? Please bare in mind that the UK Kindle Fire amazon store is no where near as well stocked in apps/movies etc as the US counterpart as we are a year behind getting our own service.
  9. The other thing in rugby I meant to add was you can't tackle above the chest. If your arm gets into the neck area or higher it's a penalty. Perhaps that wouldn't work so well but it might be worth consideration in some form. Football has the horse collar and the face mask rule but you can still tackle around the head area or above the chest as long as its not helmet to helmet.
  10. I don't like the rugby comparison much. In rugby the game is played in front of you and the hits are normally coming from in front of you and you can normally only get hit by 1 or 2 people at a time. In football you get hit from all angles and can have a lot of players tackling you at once. That said, what rugby does differently is the requirement that you attempt to wrap up using your arms. Sure, you hit them with your shoulder but you must be in a wrap up technique while doing so or you get penalised and it's very rare that you see a penalty for this in a rugby game. In football this rule might help to prevent some of the incidents where guys bascially use their bodies as spears with the helmet being the tip of the weapon. It's much harder to use your helmet if you must be using your arms and shoulders to make the tackle. Players still bang heads in rugby but it's much less frequent than football.
  11. Good to see you up and about max: But don't enjoy the win too much. You could end up looking like this:
  12. ILB, pass rusher, D-Line depth, maybe a safety are needs in the draft Plus 1 or 2 good free agents might be required this offseason. The O will have to make do with scraps and undrafted gems.
  13. I agree. It's all about preventing the league losing cash in lawsuits. The players are going to have to prove that the NFL knew about the dangers and did nothing to stop them getting hurt and the NFL is going to point out that as soon as their advisers confirmed there was a danger they implemented new rules and measures to prevent the danger. I don't think it's anything to do with Goodell being on a power trip at all.
  14. Yeah we still have Pitta and Dickson might come good and at the very least is a serviceable no.2 Perhaps take a shot on a guy to develop in the 6th or 7th. I like taking shots on guys with good athletic ability that need to learn the game in the later rounds. We have way more pressing needs this offseason than another early round TE.
  15. I'm not sure Yager. Perhaps he got a little bit antsy. Whatever was the cause, his mechanics looked sloppy. On a few of the passes the ball didn't look like it was fired off his hand. On a couple it almost looked like it slipped out of his hand and sailed way over the receiver. It was lucky that it happened on side line routes. If you do that shit over the middle, the FS is taking it back the other way.
  16. Not to mention you need to pat him down every time he enters a room just for his own safety!
  17. I had to laugh during the broadcast when they commentators harped on and on about how slow Lefty's release was because of the big windup. They did show a pretty cool graphic contrasting bens up and out to Lefty's windup. Then they contrasted the timing of the release. Ben's was 0.37 secs and Lefty's was 0.4secs. Then they showed Lefty had more ball speed than Ben. They sort of shutup about Leftwich's release after that.
  18. I don't get this at all. Reed is 1 stinger away from ending his career as it is so I don't think he is intentionally trying to hurt anyone with helmet to helmet. 1 of the things to consider with the hit was the WR was on his way down as it was. If Reed gets there a fraction earlier he hits the guy in the chest. The one where Pollard hurt Cotchery, if he gets there a fraction later he probably hits Cotchery in the head as Cotchery goes to the ground. It's all about timing the hit which is hard to do at full speed.
  19. What Pitt were doing against Torrey was running the safety underneath and keeping the CB deep. What we should have been doing to counteract that was running a 2nd receiver be it Dickson or Jones deep from the same side as Torrey. That would put pressure on Pitt to either start dropping their safety deep again or make the CB make a decision on who to cover. You got to think that inside deep zone would be available to be attacked if the safety keeps taking away the underneath stuff from Torrey. That said, Joe just wasn't on it. A lot of his passes sailed high for whatever reason. I think he lost his comfort blanket in Pitta and he doesn't trust Dickson enough yet. Still, Joe had Boldin, Jones and Ray to throw too as well so no excuse.
  20. RavenMad


    I don't feel like the Browns are far away. They have been playing a lot of close games and really should have a better record. They are maybe a few plays per game away from being a good team and maybe just need 1 or 2 game winners to put them over the top. That said, with all those high draft picks they really should have had those type of players already on the roster.
  21. I'm starting to wonder does Joe not trust Dickson. He gets open a lot but he also drops a lot of balls. If Dickson had Pitta's hands he would be one heck of a TE.
  22. Joe You have to give props to Joe for taking the sack, but after the play I couldn't help think a QB draw would have been nice. When I saw the formation I thought it was going to be a handoff to Ray on a HB draw. After watching the play I think Joe should have pumped once to Torrey and then took off. Like max said, Joe has to lay off the tranqs before road games.
  23. <----------Right here Andy Dalton sucks. 1 good week does not make a good QB. Hell, Boller even had some good weeks.
  24. Reading the summary I could just as easily be 3-6 instead of 6-3. I just either caught some of you on a bad week or had a better than expected week myself.
  25. Plus I would rather have the side effects of that plant than any of the side effects you hear about of nearly every drug being advertised on tv:
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