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Everything posted by thesteelhurtin

  1. I don't know why but that's the only part I use on message boards I guess it just easier.
  2. Yeah we haven't won in Oakland since 95 but that's about to change.
  3. Crave you gonna adjust that when the steelers win this week and the ravens are at the bottom.
  4. It part of pittsburghese. When the steel boom happened people flocked to pgh from all over. If you take Kentucky, Ohio, Pa, Ny, Wv, Va, and Nc accent and slammed them together you get pittsburghese.
  5. I believe the Steelers worked out wells earlier this year and his knee wasn't ready yet. Turner is done he is still like a bowling ball only in a senior bowling league he's moving just not very fast.
  6. Yeah I agree I do t like personal attacks. I really don't like attacking each others cities I mean I will do it if provoked but I take pride in being from Pittsburgh as I'm sure yinz are proud to be from bmore or wherever you are from.
  7. Who's acey I know it wasn'teant towards me but you attacked my home. I try not to cause too much trouble over here anymore since I like all the posters.
  8. First lets see proof that picture is from Pittsburgh and I would take "degenerates" over crackheads any day of the week.
  9. If Heinz field wasn't so bad that onsides kick may have worked and your kicker may not have been blown up.
  10. They just seem to always play down to Oakland. I think this year might be different as we do a really good job at stopping the read option.
  11. We played a school that had it when I was in high school. We were all happy thinking it was going to be awesome and it sucked. I don't care who you are a shower plus a turf burn will bring tears to your eyes.
  12. Lmao glad I could help but the Steelers haven't won in Oakland since 95
  13. If the Steelers win and the Brown's lose this week the Steelers are 2nd in the north.
  14. Yeah but with turf you are asking for more injuries and football was made to play on grassvnot carpet. My high school went to turf and I can't stand it.
  15. Yeah Pitt played a night game Saturday night just wait until the high school state championships. So happy they refuse to go to turf though.
  16. WOO HOO IT ISN'T ME ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I just noticed this thread hahahahahahahahah oh tgann looks like your are going to have to retire that picture
  18. Tucker may not have known where he was ir what he was supposed to do.
  19. Yeah that a lot I was going to go get a tv at midnight for the man cave but but then I remembered the game so I'm basically going to be drinking for 12 hours straight and yelling obscenities at the tv in front of the whole family lmao
  20. The only problem is I get really drunk on thanksgiving anyways so now it's going to worse and I'm going to have to watch the game at the in-laws house
  21. Ben has never finished under 60 joe has never finished over 60
  22. now if we complete the sweep it will be a different story lol. I do think the steelers are going in the right direction though. Idk why but that game had a totally different feel for to it. Am i the only one that thinks this rivalry may die down some for awhile with all the new guys.
  23. From the opposing view on ngata was what always made him so damn good was how fast and agile he was. With the injuries he has suffered that is no linger the case making him a good dt instead if a great dt.
  24. There's really no shit to talk. It was a good game both teams played good at times and both teams played sloppy at times. Really good game though
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