Couple things on my mind. 1.) Is our new offense going to be to pass 5 times as much as we run, or did the coaches just think they had some room to test drive the new pass offense since we were playing the Chiefs? It'll be intersting to see how we come out next week. We probably could have controlled the game better by running more but heck, I can't complain since we had 500 yards of offense. 2.) Flacco looked great to me. He started to float the ball a little after the interception, but got things together enough to hit big throws to Heap and Clayton on the last drives. I see what you are saying Max (hi btw), that on a day when Flacco left many completions on the field, he still managed to throw for 300+ and 3TDs - it's very exciting to see where he progresses from here. 3.) Special Teams - blah! I really hope Hashuka gets it together because you need a good kicking game to win in this league. I was praying that the game won't come down to a FG attempt. He seems to be kicking the ball straight, it just tailed to the left at the end - it even happened on the kick he made. It's like he just needs to better judge the effect of the wind on the ball. I really hope he gets it together. I keep telling myself it's ok - Stover seemed to always look bad in his first game. 4.) McGahee, Rice, and to a lesser extent McLain looked good. I'm thrilled McGahee is taking his demotion well, because I really don't think he did anything to lose his job.