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Everything posted by cokedupwerewolf
I can not believe all the same people are still here. Epic. I applaud you all.
Is dee still around?
I'm genuinely shocked and my log in still worked
I'm around, just rarely sign in, or post.
Lemme know if anyone has any extra to get rid of this week!
I'm looking for 2 tickets to the game Sunday if anyone has any leads, or extra tickets.
20 hours is damn good outside of an RPG, the Uncharted (both) were both more 15 hours, maybe less, but no complaints, I started playing both again right away.
Fallout did turn out to be just what I thought, exactly Oblivion only a different world setting. Kev, I think a huge problem with FallOut 3 is people were not aware of what they were getting, I think most figured 1st person Shooter in Nuclear Holocaust setting, when in fact you are in essence getting a Dungeon & Dragons/100+ hour game, only not set in Mid-evil times.
There's a video that she sent her (ex)boyfriend of her playing with herself, thus the reason her crown was taken, Vivid bought the video, but cant do anything with it without her OK, they've offered her money to sign off it, but she has thus far refused
From what I was told the game play was like Oblivion only after a nuclear holocausts.
I think so too, my fav part about Oblivion is I can stop playing it play something else then pick it right back up and never feel like i lost anything. Anytime I get bored or stuck in a game I pop Oblivion in.
I think my feelings may stem from the same as yours, except Turtles in Time for SNES was amazing esp with 2 players!
After finding out it was made by Bethesda, which made Oblivion, and I believe is the same team as Dark Isle (or is it Black) that made Baldurs Gate 2, my fav comp game of all time I will be buying it tomorrow!
Not a terrible $50 dollar bet.
For some reason I've really wanted to stay away from that game, and still sort of don't want it, but honestly i dont have any good reason for the feelings. I've been told by sooo many people how awesome it is though, I'll prob wait til the price drops, as March rolls around ive got 3 games I'll be buying that will hopefully carry my into spring.
It's awesome and it certainly is needed to keep the epic story going, would it be worth the $300 for just that, ehhh maybe if you don't have a Blu-Ray Player it be worth it, PS3 is really a blu-ray playing computer. I feel like you could certainly find other games to play, if you like RPGs FF13 is coming out soon, as is God of War 3, if I didn't own PS3 I would 100% buy it just or those 3 games, and both Uncharted games have been a pleasant surprise. I've been Super Happy with the purchase, and will be even more so when I buy a new HDMI TV and start using the system for Blu-Ray...
Just looking for a bit of friendly recommendations. I Already have... Uncharted 2, Oblivion, MGS4, Dragon Age and Dead Space, CoD: Modern Warfare and Resistance 2. I'd recommend all of these with 2 thumbs up (and a million stars for Uncharted 2, and CoD: MW and MGS4), except maybe Dragon Age (Oblivion is pretty close to the same thing, but does everything better), Dragon Age isn't bad it just for some reason had a tough time keeping my attention and I've yet to play Dead Space. If anyone has any suggestion that be awesome, I'm pretty much open to any kind of game. You can leave off CoD: MW2, I'm just waiting for the price to drop on that. Thanks.
Bedard is garbage.
1 year deal... That certainly seems to be a step backwards.
I'd have to say as far as cheap (or cheaper) with a good location, Mt. Vernon area (near Penn station) is prob your best bet, so long as you don't mind seeing men dressed up like women from time to time.
I've never so much as been asked for a student ID, but I look like I'm in High School, so that might have something to do with it.
Around, I read when I can, post even less, i've had off since Saturday day and that hasn't happened, in a year+, I drove out to CO and came back and I didn't even have off this long... It's been nice, but I'm screwed when I try to wake up early tomorrow.
I'll still pay for opening day, but other than that I also am done paying, unless they keep the Friday deal.
I'd have to say it happens, but the Ravens get there fill of the positive too, The one that stands out very clearly recently is Browns MNF, they were all over us and completely shitting on Cleveland.