sorry that was uncalled for and I apologize. See what I mean about hanging around cravn?he just nudges ya to be bad.then all of a sudden you're left holding the honey pot getting stung.
I know he's ok but we heard the same shit elsewhere ,what difference does it make that we discuss things in a thread in smack talk we still talk smack to each other all along RIGHT? YE OL' FOGEY
lol hey cravn check him out acting like oldschool remember he used to hate it when we would talk shit to each other ,but then throw in a casual convo aswell. can you say jealous? he must be a thespian anyschway! I gotta go with Mike Smith being the jockey. haven't done the ponies since I was in Kentucky last spring hell I reeled back on a lot of wagers this summer,just too damn biz E. margarittaville tonight baby!!! just another tequila sunrise.
what you get from the ;iquor store can I expect you to play DJ tonight? I miss your songs you know. for some reason i'm feeling eurythmics here comes the rain again or ccr who'll stop the rain or prince purple rain or eddie rabbit I love a rainy night or IT'S raining men!
wenchy? whats wrong cravn? your socks and sandals get wet the rain just won't move out we're right on the line it keeps moving north and south and back n forth
YEEEEHAAWWWWWW!!! oops sry had to guys HUGE THANK YOU HERE DEE for all your hard work and diplomatic approach. we're not worthy just remember it's cravn's fault when I act up. somehow he just brings it out.IDK