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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldcrow

  1. 63 here in st Augustine can't wait to get back north for some real seasons
  2. oldcrow


    no just down here doing a little work, and relax. I have a hard time supporting Penske after he dumped THE DINGER.
  3. it still involves "FREEZE"
  4. come on JOSHUA TREE you've attacked cravns wife a lot practice what you preach. support you 100% on your feelings about oldschooltool come on JOSHUA TREE you've attacked cravns wife so practice what you preach as far as the kid goes congrats hope all goes well but now you're just a BREEDER, and you showed soo much promise. hope you finished all you wanted at COC first
  5. oldcrow


    no, this girl plays from the TIPS with new hips I might add and cravn you know by now i'm competitive as hell,also you know there will be plenty of wagers
  6. do the places you work at not cover any percentage of cost ? 100% of mine is paid by my employer god knows it was over time , but they did pay a larger % over time until
  7. pert near watered wut yous met
  8. oldcrow


    man, I would love to get him out on the links.
  9. oldcrow

    Good Point

    whutevs I remember the forward pass introduced and people were like it's not football !!!! the qb should just run or hand off!!! throwing it to some other player is like playing keepaway. waaaaahhh
  10. oh, you had to be wearing a hoodie too
  11. STEEL his response will be Jacksonville Minnesota topped off with oakland
  12. 46 in silver springs this morning crav
  13. WE ARE FARMERS!!!!!
  14. shoot dang Penske isn't a good ol boy ,he wouldn't have a problem with the president all those nascar folks are extreme liberals ***********************************EYEROLL*************************************************
  15. shit oaklands defense is no joke ben must have his head out of his ass and the rest of the team must execute so they can FINALLY achieve a win out west. not liking this one bit Curtis CURTIS!!!! I DON'T LIKE THIS!!!!!
  16. oh it's like that now holmes? you feeling froggy? giddy up
  18. I still have a handful of those butterfly collar polyester shirts very cool designs and cool to wear but not cool to wear definite winter shirt for me
  19. panthers are using too but where's the "eyesore" when they play in Oakland and the baseball field IS ACTUALLY DIRT!! used to be a bunch of places like that. Miami SF.............. don't be bitchin about natural grass fields just because your team doesn't have one and i'm sure the pirates would change their schedule for the Steelers
  20. sry about the hat TGANN love that shit , almost had me pulling for your team. do I see 2 FISHES for turkeyday???
  21. your avatar reminds me of CRAVN IN THE CLUB back in 70's 80's
  22. the orioles scored more against the pirates
  23. come on Spen, let him have enough rope to hang himself others already see what he really means it rained on me at the golf course today felt right at home with my caddy and greens keeper only I really did have a wet back hahaha so I went in for tea and crumpets because the brits can't cook. hahaha see I pick on my own aswell
  24. LOL AT MONEY he's always adding his .02 6yrs 60% 25-30% gotta account for sumthin.
  25. NOT THE DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA MIKE FUCKIN WALLACE LOL LOL LOL ???????????? now i'm sure I can come up with a team that beats the ravens hmmmm hmmm
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