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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldcrow

  1. YEP tgann you're too easily amused I motion to move this to SMACK TALK .
  2. the Jew thingwould be mine ,but in my defense I stated to cravn that I was tryin to be like one his boys using that terminology. I'm not saying cravn is like that because since I've known himn he has been nothing but a gentleman to me on other sites, and welcomed me here with a womans opinion and defended the fact that (in my best Louis CK) "maybe just maybe" I do know a little about football even if i'm a fan of the rival BUTT as I see it THE BEST FUCKING RIVAL IN FOOTBALL TODAY!!!!!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN, CHAMPS?? as a guest in your house i'll try to behave and cordial but as a guest and (maybe just maybe) friend I will have to point out your other guest who are well DICKS
  3. LOL LOL LOL DIVINE laying down the law ur okay in my book Spen
  5. in hindsight Tebow isn't that good of a preacher either kind of makes you think of the crucifixion too
  7. WWKRD? or WWDCD? or WWHWjrD?
  8. it really doesn't matter the laws that are being passed on voter id and such will keep honkey in the majority even as a minority .blocking hundreds of thousands when there were only 42 cases of voter fraud STAY CLASSY [Fellas]
  9. Baltimore
  10. could be the fear of becoming a minority and that's a high probability
  11. like yelling FIRE ! in a theatre can't do it and rightfully so
  12. hey cravn MATTY ICE AND GINGER ON ESPN !! bigger draw than " YOU RANG"
  13. 6>2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
  14. don't do it gramps the state of florida will f$^&* you up oh wait
  15. typical oldskool YOUR TRUE COLORS SHINING THROUGH BUT DON'T BE AFRAID TO LET IT SHOW TRUE COLORS TRUE COLORS TRUE COLORS "I find it stupid that a word is offensive to others. it's just a word right? SMMFH
  17. I repeat I GOTTA GO #2 WAIT... WHAT?? we're talking money and marketability(LOOKS) MATTY ICE PLEASE!!! AHHH, NOW THAT'S REFRESHING. not some player that says "YOU......... RANG:"
  18. ONE LOL HOW BOUT THE PERENIAL RUNNER UP lil joey back to business as usual lil joey
  19. LOL HELL YES I remember ben hanging 5 td passes in the mnf against the ravens and the td to holmes in the last minute at the AUNTIE M and the td to REDMAN at the AUNTIE M OH GOD I COULD GO ON and ON and ON shit I remember a 3rd string beating the ravens iat AUNTIE M last year HAPPY THANKSGIVING BEECHES
  20. yeah THE BIG RED ONE lee marvin
  22. Ryan looks a heck of a lot better than joe marketability makes you more money that's why Ryan is a household name without winning it all YET see Anna Kournikova
  23. ravens will not honor the contract because lil joey won't fulfill plain and simple
  24. you're the one stating it was a straight joke
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