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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by oldcrow

  1. there's no way this a repubican add? just doesn't make sense in that way? that would be plain silly.
  2. a part of me thinks billy was joking but if not way to keep it civil Dee with this chauvinistic pig. seems that the female principal and maybe other ladies died going after this dickhead just to protect the kids where were the men in this school had to be one or two i'm sure? hiding?
  3. it's definately psychological now the press bombards us with theories for the next 48 hours and nothing gets resolved oedipal complex bi-polar molestation his choice of music video games off meds on wrong meds too mant meds sugar saturated fats .......
  4. gotcha like everything in this world there is a time and place for certain things including pot and guns and it is up to us to figure that out there has to be a Mean between two extremes. thank you Aristotle! it wraps it all up into the OP
  5. he was sarcastic and whats wrong with pot? just because you don't do it no one should? well?
  6. so is that a gun in your pocket or ...........
  7. then came crack to get the next generation of families and prison pop explodes again
  8. glad ya'll are safe can a raven duck?
  9. hey billy when cravn says gun i believe he means "BOP GUN"
  10. cravn that one time with that other boy in college is chalked up as experimental, they don't hold that against you ;-) although a small pistol was involved florida is easy to get one
  12. Revolver is such a great album.
  13. well said vmax A DENT in the hatred, it is amazing how deep that hatred is still to this day.
  14. just wait a few days it will all pass and everyone will have moved on there will be no learning, no resovle, no change oh wait, they'll be talking about the next "incident"
  15. WOAH now your onto taking my drugs!!! it was a simple suger OD i don't see you stammering to remove suger from products fucking corn syrup is killing us all. THANKS TO TRICKY DICK !!
  16. rz is correct billy just injured in china don't spin it
  17. this is gonna get REAL GOOD! <rubbing hands together> DING DING
  18. gotcha. everything good i hope after that severe weather? pretty close wasn't it
  19. damn crav what about your 2 hr ride to miami 2hrs???? haha you better get one of those Penske horses out of the garage
  20. easy now.
  21. HAHA inbred and human is that allowed or possible?
  22. WHAT!!!!!! A Bengal fan with math skills!!!!!!!!! Now just hope the team can put one one together(as in playoff seasons) how's all that inbred human waste taste down stream in cincy? *-P
  23. jn bredz???? a new bakery or are you baked signed Flour Stone
  24. come on crav we all know you are sporting those purple no.5 socks and the sandals that have cleats drawn on the side of the sole pulled all the way up to your knees like back in the day
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