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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. It does? Says who? You and your 2 butt buddies? Bottom line is win at all cost, we are winning, you have a fucking hardon caus we don't have a bye,
  2. Bengals it's been 23 years since they won a playoff game, send Pitt to Indy where luck will destroy their sorry ass defense,
  3. Stop your bitching bungles kicking your ass, to my liking I might add
  4. Normal Andy is in DA house
  5. Marvin hasn't won shit in his tenure, 2003 yet still has a job,....only in america
  6. Wow guess Marvin doesn't teach tackling.
  7. Stealers in a *** I'm stupid for thinking this game is easy ***
  8. Ben has menstruial cramps lo!
  9. Lol you're afucking goof
  10. Shit, I didn't think we were beating Cleveland today, its all good though
  11. Let's hope they they beat the piss out of each other, we get the winner..
  12. Let's hope they they beat the piss out of each other, we get the loser..
  13. Andrew luck???? Wtf, he's a spergun wynn
  14. Aids or something , he looks bad
  15. Dude stfu, I'm an ass too, 6 of 7 years in the playoffs, name another qb that has achieved that? Not your suck buddy's manning or brady
  16. Absolutely spen
  17. Winning a super bowl as the 6 the seed ? Luv it
  18. Playoffs man, I'm enjoying all of it, anything can happen once the invite is extended
  19. TKe it any way you like Spen
  20. Its my nature
  21. Oh we winning fuck Pitt fuck the bungles playoffs baby all niceness is put aside!!!
  22. To our front office, Kruger made 1 freekin play...wipppity fuckin dooo
  23. If I died next Sunday after the game, my life would be complete, I've done,seen,achieved everything I wanted
  24. Lol me too
  25. Pitt Cinncy Baltimore Well done gang, see you in the AFC championship game
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