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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Cool deal rob, I'll check ace out
  2. I love the nuthuggers that picked them win the division, I'm thinking 7-9 at best
  3. If Bey locked up a spot then it's going to be a loooonnnnnnnngggg year for you all
  4. Funny you should say that KS, Friday is usually testing day at Daytona today there has only been 1 car on the track since 10 am.
  5. And Im telling you, 15 years ago Tony was a hothead, up and coming, didnt care who he wrecked driver, and since he is now an owner of multiple race cars, he has done a 180 with his attitude.. He is not the feared driver as he once was, and he is not hotheaded anymore... This incident will probably ruin him, I just read he is seclusion, I think he is done with Nascar as a driver.
  6. Saved for the week 1 meltdown..
  7. Out of the man cave, we have sliding glass doors leading to the pool deck 40" wide by 68" tall, we are looking for the Ravens bird in that white..The only place I know would be fatheads, but thats a full color decal..not really looking to go that route Anyone ever seen a very large Ravens decal?
  8. The D looks horrible for Pitt, Pierce will have a field day
  9. Why are these people looting?
  10. Magic # is 29, But I want to have the best record in the American League
  11. They'll have no money left for Green, the real best player they have
  12. It's like hitting the exacta and triple on the same race..
  13. http://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/nfl-pittsburgh-steelers-news/2014/8/20/6051277/leveon-bell-pot-marijuana-arrest-dui-legarrette-blount-steelers-news-police-report Bell and Blunt arrested, for having a blunt and dui.
  14. 29-13 since June 30th, best record in baseball since then
  15. There is no better division in football then the AFCN, period end of discussion
  16. Good stuff, I fully expect the Ravens to make the post season, and as for winning the division, meh it doesnt make of break my season
  17. Just keep on keeping on, 8 1/2 game lead over the Yankmees.. Got to keep pace with the boys out west, it looks as if Oak, La, and Seattle will make the post season,
  18. I'd rather them IR him, then ps him, if they see something they like in him and he doesn't fit our team then why even chance another team grabbing him up. And I'm positive we have his players on IR in the past,
  19. Yes Oz has struck out at the WR position, but dont let that one position get you down, afterall we do have 2 SB rings from what he has found for us on the D side
  20. Because the Ravens have a reputation for finding gems, I believe our practice squad is looked at by 31 other teams.
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