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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. No I didn't think he was wrong in trying to sign elsewhere, I didn't care for him as an oriole and I sure don't care for h as a Yankee
  2. How does it sound deluded? Unitas didnt want to go to the Bolts, the O's didnt want B-Rob for a reason..B-Rob should have never been given the contract he had years ago
  3. Theres a reason he wasnt offered a contract..HE SUCKS
  4. Oh hell no. Unitas was sold to the bolts, Roberts didn't give the O's 1 full season,
  5. Another series win, gauzman is for real Pops he hit a hr Friday night I expected him to be on the dl like he was with us for the past 10 years at this time if the year
  6. Good luck KS, same thing happened with my daughter 2 weeks ago, 15 years she's been with 1st Mariner Bank. The last 5 as branch manager, that investment group that just bought the bank came in and laid off 32 branch managers, We had a lightening bolt wiz through our yard Saturday night scariest thing I've ever seen, as it wiz zed by all the lights that were on got 10x brighter, lost internet, direct tv in the family room and the 52" tv in there as well, I filed a claim with homeowners, just in case . It's been an adventure down here with these afternoon storms , I just figured out how to switch the phone over to just search for the 3G instead of the house internet, Bad thing is I must not be the only one, att can't come out til tomorrow and direct can't get here til Thursday.
  7. Let the media pundits slob knob over the A's, except for last season the O's close the season strong under Buck, 1997 eh DC? that was a great time in Baltimore, Ravens games at Memorial Stadium hearing PA announcer giving O's updates, joint going wild..Good times
  8. Up yours B-Rob
  9. And if the O-line fails, i can hear it now, it'll be the QB's faulk
  10. This could be worse then your learning triangle
  11. You're right KS, they offered me the Genie upgrade for free, I declined until we solve this problem of the family room box always getting fried, and it is on a surge strip too.
  12. 4 game lead over the Yankmees, Im liking this
  13. Incase you didnt see the AJ message that he is up to be traded, but will not take a penny less then his current contract.. Leave his ass in Texas, Fitzpatrick will hang him out to dry
  14. Absolutely, No O-Line, no QB and it wouldnt matter who we have back there at QB
  15. Scored a good one yesterday, for the 11th time in 18 months I have lost the HD DVR satellite box in the family room due to afternoon t-storms..So I go through the steps of resetting the box, and I get nothing, so I call Direct TV and say "Hi its me again, and I have no signal" So we go through the process again, and nothing so we set up to have a new box shipped. Im getting mad by now because I have 3 other rooms in the house with Direct TV boxes and those come back after a power flicker, those do not have HD and DVR on them, just the family room one does. So the new box comes today, and before I hang up the tech asks me if she can help me with any other issues..Without missing a beat I say, yes there is, with all the issues I have had with the family room box i think I deserve this years NFL Ticket at a very reduced rate..She says "Done, how does free sound" SWEEEEEEEETTTTT
  16. Team Walgreen is not a bad squad, they are battling too for their divisions top spot
  17. Bubba Smith retired before the roid era really took off, he retired in 1976.
  18. cravnravn


  19. Definitely, the more money the other teams give our players, the higher the Comp pick.
  20. They backed up the Brinks truck for him, Maybe if they had a QB it would of worked.
  21. Im just worried about the East and this upcoming Yankmees series, the media pundits have already given the American League Pennant to Oakland, let them flounder with that.. Anyone else notice, Manny getting hot?
  22. Mike Wallace is another bad deal, fins are really getting screwed over.
  23. We have been LBer U, its just a shame none of the players that leave our system amount to anything in their new Uniform.
  24. Sure, no differently then Joes contract, Torreys will be very friendly the first 4 years, after that you either restructure or release
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