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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. and we are supposed to feel for this goon?
  2. O's up 3-1,feeling it.....
  3. when in the past 6 years has my team been mediocre? last season was a fluke, so dont go there, Ravens are a better run club then Denver, New England combined
  4. He definitely deserves top WR money as did Joe earn his top QB money
  5. Dam thats a fugly ass uniform
  6. LOL, not a shot in hell he takes a cheap contract, and rightfully so
  7. oh wow, i was positive you would have said to trade him for draft picks.
  8. Great game last night, timely hitting, Cruz tried his butt off for the cycle, that bomb he hit to left was still rising when it hit that tarp.
  9. Horrendous storms last night as you can tell by them cancelling the 400, I bet it dumped 4 inches of rain into the pool
  10. You family, you dont need an invite
  11. GREAT 4TH IT WAS...
  12. And the A's take down the Jays..1/2 game atop the East
  13. Im doin the Bernie
  14. SWEEEEEEP, and now we are tied for first
  15. Alright so scratch Manny off
  16. But out the other side of your mouth came trade Weits, Jones, Davis and Manny
  17. Naaaaaah, Just po'ed I cant drop the lbs for the amt of sweating i do daily.. Just think of it as August weather at training camp Dee, remember those days..Well its August here June, July, August and a bit of September..
  18. Going for the SWEEEEEP I gotta throw the curse at the Cannucks, they have no business keeping pace with us
  19. I guess, he wants everyone released/traded from the Ravens, and hes just as bad with our O's personnel.
  20. Fla Fever when its February
  21. Here comes Arthur with some much needed rain
  22. Wow so shocking to see Ft Meyers on that list, And the only reason Florida has so many is population. The fbi list is based upon 25,000 residents, if ocean city had 25,000 residents they would be on the list
  23. I'll take this series win,
  24. Nobody wants the East this year, keep winning series and we will be there at the end.
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