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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Oh I know, he's definitely not the same Steve smith
  2. Carolina Panthers WR Steve Smith could be an option for the Baltimore Ravens if he is released by the Panthers. Smith is expected to be cut if there is not a last minute trade. - See more at: http://www.kffl.com/hotw/nfl#sthash.owf38z0P.dpuf
  3. If we resign Monroe AND get Mack, oh boy
  4. Yea that's right, ok then Houshyamomma
  5. Oh dam free agency doesn't start t I l 4pm
  6. 6am and no signing
  7. 9 blown saves last year per rotoworld, he did something very odd last year, led the majors in saves, and blown saves
  8. I think it is a Miami smokescreen, Im not hearing his named thrown around like Im hearing Albert's
  9. When has Pitt EVER made a big splash in free agency? Never
  10. DC, we had what 15 blown saves by Johnson, we would have made the playoffs by a wide margin
  11. Good lord we still own his rights
  12. Or a Lee Evans. Lol
  13. It makes no sence, especially down here, school starts at 7am, so these kids are on the buses at 6am in total darkness
  14. I thought with day light savings we were supposed to have extra daylight? 7:45 and its just daybreak?
  15. Get it done, there is hope
  16. At least it wasn't for hitting a woman
  17. The wr is thick in the draft, that's about it, I don't see it thick on the o line, pay Monroe and we get a lineman later at center or guard
  18. Beaten women and smoking pot, that's the off season? Sorry bro I've been around the off season. That's not it
  19. Fire Harbs , after all it is HIS team and its quite apartment he has no control of these bastards
  20. Personal
  21. I'm talking Meghett and that prick lendetta
  22. Sorry. LT shouldn't be first pick when we have one, we need too many other positions, center, wr, RB
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