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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. I echo the thoughts of Spen, I really dont follow the National League..Congrats on your season.. I will be pulling for Tampa in their playoff, playoff to make the playoffs
  2. I have to agree with you, we invested alot in Joe and he failed yesterday
  3. Dee and Momma Dee are fantastic women..
  4. Nobody fan wise has quit on the team, we have been down this road before.
  5. amen
  6. Ummmmmm yea we did, and it was goooooooooooooooooood
  7. I havent deleted anything ya goof, If I do you will know it Hey do yourself a favor, stay over on hoopla or where ever you post, caus your time is just about up over here, I wanted you banned the day ESPN shut down, because you bring nothing to the table, you are the definition of a troll
  8. I see too much Camism, not liking it at all
  9. Oh, and I will be posting pix from Miami, as well as the fish fry afterwards
  10. You have to excuse the board puppet Max, the Fins have sucked since 1983 and the Stealers have sucked since 2009
  11. Dude, I drink what ever I want, be it coors, miller or Natural, NOW, quit ducking the bet, are you man enough or are you a pussy...Im guessing the latter
  12. Ryan Tannehill...LMAO "Ryan Tannehill back to pass, PICKED OFF"
  13. Dont bring Nado into this, you have daddys credit card you can pay your loss???
  14. so what do you think the Fins lose by tomorrow??? I say 27 to 40 you lose by
  15. Who gives a fuck, noone claimed we would win 16 games, logical fans thinks we would lose 3 to 4, it was a bad game, the only ones that take pride in Joes bad games are the folks that fear the Ravens, like the Fins should, they have a whiter Kyle Boller, that will be shown mon & next Sunday
  16. Did yours "earn" a green card???...Ill give her one
  17. 120 million dollar waste
  18. You want to bet big mouth? Ill give you 7 for 500 bucks..Now dont puss out big boy
  19. 5 INT's by Joe.. Give some money back
  20. And SAuggs really hit him? please
  21. I feel like a Dolphins Fan.....Always 2nd fiddle
  22. WTF, that ball hit the ground
  23. For the win.......
  24. Smellin a pik 6
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