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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. no they wouldnt, they havent been competitive since 1983
  2. Caus hes a dick
  3. Who in the shit have the Fish beat?, better yet who have the Stealers beat? They eeked by Cleveland, they pulled a rabbit out of their asses vs Atlanta, and who was the 3rd fluke victory, Buffalo?..lol, the Fins will be like scrimmage material in two weeks.
  4. We definitely play to our competition, everyone should be used to it by now. Ravens win in a squeeker 17-9...Ravens D wont allow a TD, for the 3rd straight game
  5. Hey jackoff, this isnt fantasy football, the only stat that matters is W-L's..and only a fool would think that Joe will get 120 million...oh wait you're a Fins & Stealers fan..LOL
  6. My room is already booked, and so is the Ravens victory party in Key Largo, right afterwards..
  7. wrong again. Iphone and auto correct
  8. Alarming Factoid for Steeler Fans, 2-8 in your last 10 games
  9. Cant find either of those knuckleheads
  10. Thats fine, he did, now we know what to go after in the off season..1. David Price, 2. a true closer
  11. If any punishment is handed down it wll be by the team, the smart thing, nobody was driving, they rented the bus.And stripping isnt illegal, so I dont see a punishment handed out by the NFL
  12. I still cant buy them, look what San Fran did to Green Bay week 1, the Bungles struggled in Green Bay and barely escaped..So no Im not buying into their winning so far.
  13. What r u talking about dipshit ? Guess u off the 0-3 stealers bandwagon now,, typical
  14. Who are you kidding fin, after nawlins smacks the fish around you will go back to hiding
  15. Thought q was the answer ?
  16. We are 14 games above 500 and if jj was on for half of his blown saves wed be 20 above 500
  17. You need Togo to Joe's Crab Shack in Daytona , it is in the Atlantic Ocean, also if you're on Facebook, Orlando ravens flock, I frequent there
  18. You live down here Mad Man?
  19. I heard that last night..
  20. You all havent seen traffic until you have experienced the I-4 into Orlando..Its the only free road into Orlando..The 417 is the toll road and for me to use it would cost 7.50 each way..Im only 23 miles north of Orlando. I interviewed with Penske for a position in Logistics, which is located in downtown Orlando, 1 1/2 hr commute for 23 miles..I dont like sitting on the roadway, so I opted for the lesser paying Customer Service position in Daytona, which is 20 miles north of me, but the difference is, no tolls and Im home in a half hour. I would put the I-4 traffic right in there with 495 & 695.. I get off work at 6:30 pm, I catch the 7:00 news on the radio, and daily I still hear of major delays on I-4 heading out of Orlando, I swear its a 4hr rush hour on a daily basis, going and leaving.
  21. Keeping fingers crossed for Manny, if its ACL/MCL thats an 8 to 9 month recovery..Spring training starts in 5 months
  22. The big question is, hows his hamstring? what good is a gunner if he cant run?
  23. That's just great
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