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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Dam harbs
  2. Dooooooooooooommmmmmm
  3. Me neither, especially webby
  4. Dallas Clark you must catch that
  5. I be seen enough of huff, get Elam in there
  6. Welker is a nimrod
  7. Dam it joe
  8. Stop being cute and let's go down field
  9. Lol at Denver begging for flags
  10. Sweet drive.
  11. Nothing on radar indicates delay
  12. Really? A rain delay? F U Peter Angelo's
  13. I've already told the mrs to stfu
  14. Holy batman the harbor is packed
  15. Oh Yea!!
  16. F hiney ward
  17. Quentin jammer is out. Bahawahahaha I should throw it out
  19. festivities in Baltimore, leading up to kickoff? My Son and Daughter are disappointed, because they want to be down town for the festivities, but they end 15 minutes before kickoff. So thats not enough time to get to their homes. Is that the feelings around Baltimore?
  20. This game is on NBC? great we get Collinsworth and his hatred
  21. Bawawawawawwawaaa wait til his ass shows up at the ATM next Sunday and proceeds to get booed..
  22. Cant sleep, feeling confident, been since 2:49 I dont see the Donkeys stopping us, Manning will throw for 250 and a pick and the media will go ga-ga over him. Ill take my Joe any day of the week. Ravens BIG in the W column Now we'll have 10 days to start worrying about a letdown next Sunday vs Leaveland
  23. Oh, the one they were talking about last night on NFL Live that has trouble holding onto the ball, gotcha
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