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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Driving n typing, dam I'm good
  2. Also granny you beat the sb champions, hope that makes u sleep better.
  3. 35 to 7
  4. http://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2013-pittsburgh-steelers-1065343296
  5. We won the Big One, so we're a dynasty? In your own words, I agree
  6. For what??? Ryan cant carry Joes jock during the playoffs, you know when games count.. Joe 9 playoff wins Matty Melt ONE playoff win. Yet you'd take Matty Melt.*shakes head
  7. Im looking for a bar that will carry the game. If not, Im in the gameday thread, And Im hoping Shiancoe makes a connection with Joe & Tyrod..I dont see Dickson back soon with a muscle tear.
  8. And what was wrong with Disco?
  9. Work is fun
  10. Saturday????? Beach all day, red solo cup day, flashback tunes on the iphone, if I watch any TV, it'll be TVG
  11. Today?? theres no NFL Games televised at ALL
  12. Thats false, im from Baltimore, 1 woman, 3 babys
  13. Not down here its not
  14. How many years do you call a dynasty? caus going to the AFCCG 3 out of the past 5, we are on our way to being a dynasty
  15. Here in terms you might understand..You have multiple babys daddys, they still your babys, right?
  16. Epic Fail
  17. You're old enough to remember all our CHAMPIONSHIPS Ms Depends wearer BALTIMORE has 5
  18. I didnt hear what he said, but in your eyes whats a proper punishment/
  19. We kicked ass this afternoon
  20. How about Pitt, Cincy & Cleveland..They'd be contenders, maybe not Pitt they didnt improve the o0line
  21. 20?? Id say 30
  22. ya think a game regardless of preseason or not would be telivised
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