Never said Chexhyna was in the middle east, I know exactly where it is, I know exactly that the Chechyniuans are in a bitter battle with Russia over religion, as Russia is catholic and Checnynya is Islamic.. Chechs' have major ties to Al Queda, they fought side by side with Al vs Us.... We will differ on closing the borders, they need to be shut, we are not safe with how generous we are allowing people to gain citizenship. NOW, here we are wasting 100's of thousands of dollars JUST IN TREATING THIS ASSHOLE WITH MEDICAL, only to kill him within a year..Do you honestly think this kid is going to spill his guts on why he and his brother murdered and maimed? Funny, I know a kid that got severely injured 6 months ago, and cant get past an emergency room quack, because he doesnt have medical insurance..Maybe I should tell him to ride down 95 throwing pipe bombs at police, they should get him some medical treatment.