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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. cravnravn


  2. Holy Shit, I actually watched 3/4s of the Georgetown/Florida Gulf Coast game
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ud3h-d5qWI
  4. We are going to open in Denver . Oh boy this is going to be embarrassing
  5. Now why would you want to do that? The O's are trying to build a rapport between the Ravens, I believe, Petey did try to accomidate.
  6. @Denver @Miami @Detroit @Buffalo Denver Game might be an interesting game too, we lose by 40
  7. How much you bet they open us in Pittsburgh
  8. Its not on the o's, they tried its on the NFL.. Angelos was all in for changing his start time the NFL said no, it would be too much congestion.
  9. Angelos wont budge on a schedule change..
  10. Ya know what, this is worse then 2002 is the feeling Im getting. 7.2 mil under!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats ridiculous, do we have 53 under contract?
  11. Who Gino? he needs a back up, and I havent seen enough of him to say hes a 16 game starter.
  12. Well this is a special circumstance, we have too many key positions to fill and not enough money.
  13. Alright, so we have an offer to dummerville, what about LT? please dont go into the season with Oher there!!! and to start a rookie there is suicidal. Just curious how we got this bad, when after the SB we were told we would be OK, yet we've lost a ton and are not OK due to only having 7.2 mil left, and if Dummer excepts our offer its going to be a 3-5 million dollar hit.
  14. Look at the players we released vs who we have signed, yet we are only 7.2 mil under the CAP. Folks were yelling for us to TAG Joe, hell thats a 15 mil dollar Cap hit right there. We are without a LT, Center, MLB and a safety, and we only have 7.2 mil left? does that include the rookie pool? if not then realistically we only have 4 mil left. Not sure how it got to be this bad, but maybe Stevey should take the blinders off and restructure Suggs & Ngata.
  15. Wernt we #2 in Red zone D?
  16. How soon before he gets in town? Now it seems he has to be hot on our radar. Love the fact he can play DB or Safety.
  17. I know they cant play on Saturdays because of College Football, but I never heard about the Friday night banning too. I dont get what the big deal is, football at the high school level is nowhere as important as it is in Pa or Tx where High School Football is king, I dont even think their are any schools in Baltimore that have lights..Maybe Gilman does.
  19. You're wrong, every bar in America would have the Ravens game on ratings would go through the roof, on a Fri or Sat..More people wont watch the game on a Wednesday because of a work night..
  20. Ummmm no I wouldnt, I like NCIS, thats it
  21. Well, Md just a easy road to the Finals, #1 Kentucky lost last night
  22. Well, since you put it that way, my interest might have spiked a bit..
  23. Ahh so the FA contract plays a huge part
  24. I cant torment myself watching any reality show, you tell me when I need to vote and Ill just vote for him.
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