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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. My great grandmother arrived in 1912 at statton island, and settled north of Pittsburgh and started my family, she died in 1989 at the young ole age of 96...Could speak a lick of English...lol, I was always Yanni, and my Sister was Leeza, but dam she could make an easter bread, and home made sauce and pasta..
  2. Im telling ya Billy, he was amazing..
  3. As are most from NE
  4. And now we fuckin run this country...Capeche
  5. You need to make your presence a tad more frequently than you do...
  6. Yeah. Lets keep spending and file backruptcy...Bankruptcy is a legal form of stealing.
  7. The Human Vacum Cleaner is why the Reds lost
  8. That guy is a faking douche bag...
  9. Im hoping a return visit to Brady
  10. Thats fine, atleast their is a story of truth behind what Wop stands for, my great grand parents were wops
  11. Just one more time
  12. LOL, he shouldnt be allowed,,A Cali beat writer at that..
  13. Where has this kid been since 2001? What a d-bag
  14. I knew the Genovese Family..They ran Philly..Bad people man, bad Its funny I get my quarterly Teamsters Magazine and the last 3 pages are of court docketts, and theres not a quarter that goes by where you dont see a Genovese, Gambino or a Luchiano named mentioned.. And pops, for the record we dont like being referred to as Guinea's
  15. There's a backround? hmmmm
  16. Apparently ESPN does, isnt he pondering a contract to be a MNF analyst? The Patsies didnt secure the 2 seed til week 17 of the season, week 16 they were a wild card team...And BTW week 3, the Ravens kicked the shit out of your so-called best team.. Our team lacks sizzle? you're a fuckin douce bag..hows that for lacking sizzle?/
  17. No. 1 seeds – 21 reached Super Bowl, 9 won No. 2 seeds – 12 reached Super Bowl, 6 won No. 3 seeds – 2 reached Super Bowl, 1 won No. 4 seeds – 6 reached Super Bowl, 3 won No. 5 seeds – 1 reached Super Bowl, 1 won No. 6 seeds – 2 reached Super Bowl, 2 won Stats are from 1990 to 2012 I like our chances as the 4 seed
  18. From the out house to the shit house
  19. We can do that
  20. Billboard heading into Boston Those cocky Patriots fans. Up in Massachusetts a video billboard is displaying a live countdown to Ray Lewis’ retirement party on Sunday. The billboard is on Route 93 north on the Medford/Stonehome line and on Route 495 in Lawrence according to Steve Silva of Boston.com. http://baltimoresportsreport.com/theres-a-billboard-in-new-england-with-a-countdown-to-ray-lewis-retirement-party-36670.html
  21. I had to re-read it twice...Better the 2nd time
  22. What a read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Thats why its priority #1 to get get Joe locked into a long term deal by March 4
  24. He'll be there come hell or hi-water http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-bernard-pierce-vows-he-wont-miss-sundays-game-20130116,0,1132483.story
  25. A later report had it as Femi's brother DID practice, he just missed the opened to media part
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