Cleet, just looking at Pops 1st post, last paragraph..The US lost BILLIONS in taxes, due to Tax shelters, from one Company..Marriott, Maybe an investigation, I dont know Swiss bank accts, off shore accts, should be done. I bet the figures would be ridiculous..theres enough shelters in North America..How many pro atheletes do you think reside in Florida because there is no state tax on income..Or Canadian addresses because the dollar is stronger in Canada than the US. I wouldnt see an acrossed the board Tax of 27-35% for ALL people, reguardless of income..But for Romney to disclose that he made millions, and only paid 15,000 in taxes, well thats just robbing the Govt blind, and he wants to lead this country??? Monkey see, Monkey do and if Americans hid their income like our want to be leader does, it would devestate this country, 10x worse than what Owebama or Bush has done to this place..