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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Ugggggh that 7th inning..sighhhhhhh dam them Spankees. And Max, come on dude it'll be vintage 2000 like we used to troll the Titans board..Bring out your alterego, you know you're dying to..
  2. This is why I hate Preseason..Im thinking sneak attack on Howdy Doodie week 1 from both Upshaw and Kruger..We ran a vanilla D all pre season. They kept Tyrod and his shitty play, no reason Upshaw wont be good.
  3. I disagree that Painter isnt the answer..He better than Kyle Boller,
  4. Guess Rooney sucks a mean dick??? Dosent matter hope Castro comes back just in time to get his ass blown up by the Ravens...
  5. What a game, love watching the Yanks announcers, they tried to destroy all of Baltimores accomplishments this season, I know on 3 accounts Singleton made it apparent that the Yanks were without A-Rod and Tex, then they go on to how the O's just came off a 3 outa 4 victory over the White Sox, yet we ONLY averaged 10,000 a game.. Hey Singleton .FUCK YOU, your 43,000 New Yackers looked like they were at a fucking funeral tonight...Our "10,000" pasionate O's fans doubled the sound that came out of Stankee Stadium...
  6. And we kept Tyrod because of what? Painter got fucked over in this deal
  7. Wasnt that sad, I flicked the screen,
  8. Come on Painter..great field position now.
  9. He should have been tackled inside the 10 yard line
  10. Kickoff 9 yards deep in the endzone and he brings it back to the 35??? Come on guys, jesus
  11. Billy Baj!!!
  12. OK, Im ready to go, got the game on
  13. A buddy just gave me that link an hour ago, I hope to hell I didnt get a virus, I have pop ups everywhere.
  14. Big weekend coming. I just got an evite to attend a Ravens roost O's party Sunday afternoon for the game vs the Yankmees at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Orlando, we just might mosey on down there.
  15. 57 yarder??? WTF
  16. know Im not rewatching it, NFL will replay it tomorrow morning, Ill watch a Matlock rerun
  17. Im happy as shit that I cant hear or see this game on the internet.. Im hearing Tyrod looks like crap
  18. Hemsley and Bayless doing the horizontal mombo??
  19. Expect a lot more of that from the guy who set an NFL record last year for touchbacks in a single season. I have to believe that's why he's on the team and Graham Gano is not. Thats was 2010 he set the record, last year he sucked on kickoffs
  20. Oher's false starts are due to his quickness, even Harbs came out and said it, when they look at game films Oher is not false starting, he is just that split second faster than the rest on the line..H He is going to give these replacement refs fits, if hes that fast.
  21. Manning????? hes 7-9 in playoff games pffffft I said it his first year, Joe has a demeanor about him, Ive seen it before with another Baltimore great QB.. I'll leave it at that
  22. Did you see Cundiff, Cundiffed one last night, wide right..(Ive heard that one before)
  23. Your Reds are in the top spot caus they dont play in the powerful AMERICAN LEAGUE.. Blew a great opportunity last night, dam Yanks lost in the afternoon, and the new kid Saunders, well we'll just leave that one alone.
  24. Cleet, just looking at Pops 1st post, last paragraph..The US lost BILLIONS in taxes, due to Tax shelters, from one Company..Marriott, Maybe an investigation, I dont know Swiss bank accts, off shore accts, should be done. I bet the figures would be ridiculous..theres enough shelters in North America..How many pro atheletes do you think reside in Florida because there is no state tax on income..Or Canadian addresses because the dollar is stronger in Canada than the US. I wouldnt see an acrossed the board Tax of 27-35% for ALL people, reguardless of income..But for Romney to disclose that he made millions, and only paid 15,000 in taxes, well thats just robbing the Govt blind, and he wants to lead this country??? Monkey see, Monkey do and if Americans hid their income like our want to be leader does, it would devestate this country, 10x worse than what Owebama or Bush has done to this place..
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