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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Do you think Joe backing out of the plunge was the result of him knowing that the Ravens were going to extend Cam?
  2. Lets give Pees a chance.. Cam, I dont effin know, yes we've been to the playoffs 4 straight, the AFCCG 2x under his guidance. But I dont know..Mixed feelings for me.. 6 days and Im not over this loss???
  3. Birk has to go, as our late friend Sock used to remind us when Flynn was at center, the pocket is supposed to resemble an umbrella, not an inverted one.. Time to hang em up Birk.
  4. Peas DC Cam retained as OC
  5. Hmmmmmmmmm guess Peas will be named D-Cord?
  6. He is, with the comment Jimmy stated about Pay-A-Ton, Pags is definately walking into the hive coated with honey. And Pags is old enough to remember the sneak out, he should be aware that the nut dosent fall far from the tree.
  7. Joe backed out of the polar bear plunge this Saturday.. utttt ohhh
  8. SWEET!!!
  9. Yup thats who I would like to see back.
  10. Jack Del Rio anyone?
  11. Theres nothing to keep up, you just listed a slew against Billick. Harbs took a timeout into the offseason, thats his only flaw in 4 years.
  12. He made one bad non call in 4 years.. Billick drafted Boller
  13. I know, Im thrilled......... isnt Tampa still coachless?
  14. Come on Papa, thats comparing apples & oranges..JohnnyH has done a fine job here, better than Billick
  15. He is
  16. Cam will remain as OC, and we might go after a QB coach.
  17. According to Clayton Pags will not be offered the Colts job..
  18. That is more of a catch then Holmes game winner vs the Cards. Reports are that the play was reviewed and declared no catch..Huhhhhh There was no stoppage in play, the ref set the ball and on they went, Im sorry but a play of that magitude needs to be looked at closely instead of a quick glance.
  19. Money talks Yager, I hear Pagano was in Indy Monday night and had dinner with Irsay..
  20. This is a TD
  21. The problem is Hue wants total control, why do you think he was fired by the Raiders..Hes not going to have total control as an OC here.
  22. It is worse this morning, had to shave the fu off yesterday afternoon, and I woke up walk into the bathroom look in the mirror, and its gone..This is going to take awhile .
  23. LOL, are you kidding me, hes worse than Cam.
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