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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. When Ray Barry hands that Lombardi to Joe Flacco, I hope to hell thats the end of Balless' career.
  2. Preston stirring shit again, he must be bored..
  3. Rice AFC Offensive player of the Week Torrey Smith All Rookie Team http://www.csnwashington.com/baseball-washington-nationals/news/torrey-smith-named-to-all-rookie-team-?blockID=624304&feedID=6703
  4. Just announced, Norv is staying put in San Diego, Guess we are stuck with Cam
  5. The only right move is for Ed & Ray to walk away from Indy, with the Lombardi in hand, straight to Florida....Never to look back
  6. We cant if we are still playing.
  7. Yeah Joe!!! The Ravens’ 24-16 victory over the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday propelled Joe Flacco into an elite club – of one.
  8. How are we in the best shape, when our #1 WR is out, Yanda is hurting and Ed Reed wont tackle because he is injured too.
  9. COME ON TEXANS!!!!!
  10. How do we make sure the Stealers get to the ATM for the AFCCG? We need Houston to beat Cinncy? And Pitt beat Denver, That would put the higher seed Texans in Baltimore And Pitt in Foxboro??? Then Pitt beat the Pats, we take care of the Texans And Epic III takes place in B-More. I think thats right
  11. He has been playing great D..But thats where we have to keep him, on D, not fielding punts..
  12. Thanks papa, I overlooked that
  13. If they schedule us in San Diego in December, Ill be pizzed off.
  14. So what needs to happen so that Pitt goes to NE, and we host the AFCCG?
  15. Back at ya Billy, have a safe one!!!
  16. Its not a reuse its a fact of life.....Once a Bungle, always a Bungle
  17. Willing to bet your house on that? 2 Times I would.. Lets get this straight now, Joe Flacco has never experienced 7 losses in one season...Correct? He wont either, we are not the Bengals
  18. Dalton has 7 losses to his name, whippity fuckingdoo, hes 1 game better than Palmer
  19. Ya lost me Papa, Dalton is about to receive his 7th loss..Joe dosent know the feeling of 7 losses in a season.
  20. Dont worry Billy, the Bungles will still make the playoffs after the asswhooping we lay on them..
  21. Ooooops
  22. 3 words.. ITS THE BENGALS aka the Bungles, they will find a way to fuck it up.
  23. Would you rather have stats or wins?? Fuck no Dalton is nowhere near Flacco..His season hits the wall Sunday
  24. No!!! we dont need him this week, why take a risk on a slippery turf?
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