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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Im in..I'll pass it along to Ramit
  2. 2 why you ask? He dosent want to be here, I dont want him here..I wish nothing but bad luck to him.
  3. See ya Troy....Dick head
  4. Hire Boller as the QB's coach...Same thing as Zorn...Im still pooping this thought
  5. Troy Smith is a loser. the Brows are a losing orginization....Send him there..Please...He'll be out of the league in 9 months..
  6. Talk about scraping the fucking bottom of the barrel..Me and Max would make a better QB coach then Zorn..You gaddabefugginshittingme...Ozzie is losing it..ZORN??? ZORN??? FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Show Danario the Denar-o!!!
  8. Mentoring is so overrated..What team has ever succeeded in mentoring? Maybe the 49ers with Montana and Young? And thats a stretch, Young was a 1st rd pick with a big head and jumped to the USFL for the money. Joe Flacco has played in 5 playoff games and 1 AFC Championship game in 2 years..Joe needs no mentoring, he needs 2 dependable, get open WR's.
  9. You are out of your freekin mind Max..The Saints are going to handle the Colts..Or put it this way, lose by 3 or less..Im sitting in 2nd place, but 3 guys will leap-frog me if the Colts win the Super Bowl, they will collect bonus points..So my only shot is a Saints victory.. WHO-DAT!!
  10. Please no on Clarence Moore version II. Ramses Barden didn't exactly tear it up last season. Little harsh there Mr Cleet, considering the season Dinaro had last year.
  11. Eric DeCosta likes Denario Alexander!!!
  12. Sitting pretty on top of the ACC..
  13. Pretty cool site.. Ive been doing some reading on Brandon LaFell http://bleacherreport.com/articles/332625-2010-nfl-mock-draft-various-mocks-from-across-the-net-pre-super-bowl
  14. I cant find the kid on any draft board..Cant wait to see him at the combine. Nice little write up http://www.nfldraftd...-alexander.html
  15. Not saying with our 25th pick..But http://espn.go.com/n...playerId=191583 Now when you say his numbers arent good for the first 3 years, consider he was behind Macklin and Saunders..This guy exploded this year as the featured WR.
  16. Santa left Modern Warfare 2 for my youngest..Pretty morbid stuff if you ask me.
  17. Hue is the Raiders new OC...He must like pain
  18. Wii Fit is da bomb!!
  19. 1) Billick never hired Marvin Lewis or drafted the players that made the Ravens defense great. That was all in place when he came aboard. Rod Woodson, Adams, C-Mac, were on the Billick watch..If you're giving Marvin credit for our success, how about give him the full blame when we had the worst D in the NFL in 1996-1998..His flat out failures cost Teddy M his job.
  20. But boy we could of had Frenchy.. I still think its the QB position. What?? There were 6 balls dropped in that Colts game..S-I-X you dont see 6 drops at Perry Hall High. One of those drops was a sure 6.
  21. 2009 was a banner year for WR's. But I cant faught Oz for taking Oher..
  22. Wolf??? where da hell ya been... Wonder if they will still have their Friday Night College student 8.00 nights?
  23. Speaking of Clayton, what went wrong with him? His first two seasons was promising considering our QBs and OCs, but 2007 just terrible, 2008 again some promises late that season, but this season just awful and with no confidence. What went wrong with TD Taylor, he started like gang busters in 00, broke his collar bone and then developed dropitis..
  24. I said getting our panties in a twist about a possible work stoppage is ridiculous.[/] Its not, the 16 teams cannot sign FA's unless they lose one..Just look at what might happen, the Steelers could of went out and signed anybody they wanted at no penalty to them because they failed to get in the playoffs. This is a direct result of the CBA expiring next season.. And comparing Baseball to Football, the Player Representitves always came out of meetings and ran right to the press with updates..I remember Mark Belanger doing that back in the late 70's. Maybe thats why Football is the King of Sport, their meetings and solutions arent played out in the media.
  25. Its not too early Dc, we are already affected NOW..We cant sign a FA unless we lose one, thats the direct result of the forseeable future. This game will be RUINED.
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