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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. What is it with the -2 yard passes to juice?
  2. We fucking can't block old man freeney?
  3. Home cooking
  4. 7 penalties on the ravens, 1 on the cards. Hmmmm
  5. These refs blow
  6. Welcome back ASA, dumb ass
  7. Whooot whoooot
  8. There you go Allen, run his ass over
  9. Bullshit
  10. Jesus Christ will hill
  11. He has before, just not this year
  12. 3rd 27 and you run off tackle?
  13. 1st down plays really stink
  14. Come on Joe that was 6 if you lead him
  15. Wow refs fucked that tackle eligible call, dumb asses
  16. We know how to get there, but don't know what to do once we in there, those were horrible calls from Trestman
  17. Throw the dam ball away Joe
  18. Oh boy, we made the redzone
  19. Nice we have the ball almost at mid field
  20. You sure about that? Jimmy is giving his man 10+ yards
  21. Nice tackle jimmy
  22. Sxrew it, I'm going to bed
  23. Just napped for an hour, hope I can make it
  24. Nothing wrong with the offense, we are putting points on the board, I like my prediction, we can shoot out with any body.
  25. Game Day!!!!!!
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