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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. Why do the yanks,Sox,rays,and blue jays have teams in the Florida league yet we don't? The Mrs and will be attending the Daytona Tortuga's game tomorrow night, they are affiliated with the red's, we just going because of a supplier that I deal with is throwing a party catered by Dustin's BBQ, sshould be interesting.
  2. He can't be on the list, as much as i disliked the slug he still left us with a decent record.
  3. Double D was no bust, he made billicks dog house and that was the end of that
  4. Welcome home Billy
  5. We need the break real fast, still in second place, still over 500, we OK, but I'm concerned.
  6. I'm there!!!!! Will send pictures
  7. I'm in midseason form, I've been tuning up my skills on the new England homers on another board, it won't be long before km banned..they can't handle the truth
  8. That's just it be was injured his last season at Notre dame, if he can get on the field he'd be a beast.
  9. Nice outting by Chen, retiring 13 of his last 14 he faced
  10. How bout that, just like that first place O' s
  11. Yeah the O's will be up 6 games in the AL Beast
  12. 1 game back, go Os and Red Sux!!
  13. When is Chen coming back?
  14. 1 n a half out of first,
  15. Little early for this thread
  16. Another series win,
  17. Wow is our division tight
  18. Nice comeback eh? Mannyball
  19. Good luck. I'll wait til camp starts to place my wagers, if Pitts comes back I might throw a few bucks on Perriman for OROY, I have him at 12-1 right now.
  20. Thanks cleet, I will be checking it out
  21. If this was August 1 I'd be concerned, but it's not and I'm not concerned one bit.
  22. We're on a roll, Man I wish we could stream the radio broadcast, I bought a Bose Bluetooth speaker, it would be great to sit poolside on Saturday night's and listen to the game, the only thing missing would be my grandmother.
  23. I just seen a graphic on fb, we have identical w- l record, same slugging %, better era in 2015, but the stat that did me in was we have 11 more home runs this season at this time vs 2014, We are just fine
  24. I have always liked Palmer and Thorne. We are on 2014's win pace, its going to be a hell of a second half, I don't think Tampa has the legs to continue at this pace, Toronto is the team that makes you go hmmmmm
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