I would like to see a league base pay and incentives pay structure. That is what I think would be the best for the game. It would eliminate the paycheck players. That would be so hard to get with the nflpa. One thing I would like as an exception to what they have now is something like the Larry Bird exception. Any player that is drafted/signed as an un drafted fa can have a portion of their salary exempted from the cap. It starts at say yr 6. It could start at maybe .5 percent. Every yr after that the exemption increases by a half percent. This would give a team that developers some breathing room. Also if a team really wants a guy they will have to go top shelf to get him.
i do agree there are a few really highly paid positions but when you have a qb eating a quarter of the cap that leaves so little for the rest of the team.
btw I would like to see a coaches cap also.