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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. I think a McVay and other could get even more out of Lamar.
  2. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2018/12/10/ravens-harbaugh-joe-flacco-robert-griffin-tampa-bay-buccaneers/ Good Harbs will work his way out of town.
  3. And Caldwell. Harbs is not capable of hiring a good OC.
  4. He is a good tackler. He will not be worth the market money though.
  5. But Norv is not friend of Harbs. There was a chance to hire him a few yrs ago.
  6. https://ebonybird.com/2018/12/09/ravens-marty-mornhinweg-outstayed-welcome/ I have been saying it for yrs.
  7. That was a great game. Lamar made some great throws. He also made some mistakes. I wonder what his injury was.
  8. Jones was a good pick up.
  9. They are playing hard. Would this be even if Joe was starting?
  10. Way to get bulldozed Weddle.
  11. They can't cover the TE.
  12. Eric Berry is out so that is a giant help.
  13. If Harbs starts Joe today and the team loses I would leave him in KC. Hand him a commercial ticket back to bmore and tell him the charter is for players and staff.
  14. I have alwasy been even handed. I still don't think Lamar will pan out but he has to be given the chance to sink or swim.
  15. Its a good test and learning experience either way. It can show what he needs to work on with his passing game.
  16. Last I knew there was a premium on getting the PSL from someone else.
  17. Yeah they are done.
  18. If you find someone who would immediately buy your PSL you can go that route.
  19. Wow I could have sworn it was a multi yr deal. He will be more expensive next yr.
  20. Sure if you want to continue being a mediocre team.
  21. Griffin signed a 2 yr deal I think so he has to stay. There is no way I would let him walk now unless some team made an outlandish trade offer.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iUyDpUOl-s
  23. He leads them to bad tame mang. He leads them to poor in game situations. I don't care if he is a happy camper. Ignorance is bliss. Most of the coaches in the NFL are mediocre so being up high in them is not saying much. I don't have him top 10 either.
  24. If the draft was so good then they should have done better than 9 wins
  25. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2018/12/04/michael-locksley-returns-to-umd-as-new-head-football-coach/ I like the hire.
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