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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. I am wondering is it was other ppl down lower who were the key to the success. Ozzie and others sat on their shoulders.
  2. Maybe your child is smarter than you are.
  3. But if nothing has changed from one time to the other then there is no issue where my loyalties lie.
  4. With the Minneapolis Miracle I think a lot of ppl will be interested.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTRdnbMh7Dg
  6. What is wrong with the blog?
  7. Now you are thinking like I do. I totally believe in that concept. Another teams poor decision only helps you.
  8. I am pretty sure he is going in the first. There is a ton of hype on him.
  9. So you think the class was great? Bowser was the only other guy who did anything.
  10. https://www.baltimorebeatdown.com/2018/1/19/16911000/nfl-coms-daniel-jeremiah-mocks-ot-orlando-brown-to-ravens-draft-senior-bowl-east-west-shrine-game
  11. https://ebonybird.com/2018/01/19/baltimore-ravens-grading-rookie-class/ Other than Humphrey the class was another bust.
  12. So when I liked the team and was critical of them how do you explain that?
  13. https://twitter.com/marlon_humphrey/status/951563862272368642 I agree with him that Mayfield has that dog. He would be my pick.
  14. BC I have been coming here for yrs.
  15. But when I was a fan I was saying the same things. The only difference between the late 90s into the early 2000s and now is they don't run things the same way. The drafts have consistently been disasters lately while those pretty much rock yr in yr out. Also back then they got FA who were effective and contributed. Also with Art being cash poor they were careful with a dollar instead of wasting them like crazy and getting int9o a yearly cap problem. Remember Miami used to be good every yr. The Rams back in the day were great every yr. Was consistently were a SB contender. I could go on and on. Those teams with bad bang fell back and loved in the bottom. That is what happens when bad decision making happens. One moment you are on top of the world then you find yourself with the dregs. The Ravens with poor mang are becoming accustomed to being at that level. Fans seem to be acclimating to the new normal.
  16. https://www.sfgate.com/49ers/article/Doug-Marrone-s-discipline-has-spurred-Jaguars-12502569.php When Harbs first got here he went from Camp Creampuff to Camp Hardball. I was wondering if anyone knows if it has regressed back to easy street. Also maybe it is time to pull some of the bells and whistles should come out of the castle.
  17. Then you should join them down in Fla for the circle jerk.
  18. I am not high on Rosen. I also don't think Jackson can transition as a QB.
  19. If you objectively look at this franchise it is obvious they are progressing to being one of the irrelevant teams.
  20. I know. I hated the McNair move. I think not going for Brees left 3 real SB shots on the table.
  21. The article is only about the draft. And looking at the last 3-4 yrs you only have a few starters or even contributors. That said MAclin has been injured a lot the last few yrs. He only has 2 seasons of all 16 games. I did post an article about the Revans avoiding injury prone player yesterday.
  22. I have been having a convo with the author on FB. Really things started going south in 2010 with a bounce back in 2011 before the 2012 consistency. I told him Ozzie should have been looking to fix things after 2013 being 3 of 4 bad drafts.
  23. It says a lot when you have to look back into the past to look for good things.
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