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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. He said he would do it. Everyone said it was a bluff.
  2. But you said "And we care about pre season why?" so I am not grasping how you can look at the PS and nobody else can.
  3. Injuries are important especially for a guy doing off a major injury and having one played 21 games in 3 yrs. But since you care about why bring up things about PS why is it so many keep bringing us the defensive rankings for the PS?
  4. I am trying to look and see when the draft is. I am not seeing it.
  5. I don't believe in faith. I believe in what is measurable.
  6. Just making an analogy to other absurd thinking.
  7. No just be real and truthful. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3487255/Christian-prophet-buttocks-mauled-lion-running-pride-prove-Lord-s-power-animals-South-Africa-safari.html If I believe hard enough and if god really exists and if god exists if I am worshiping the right god he will protect me. Yes lets look at the ifs as facts. Smart.
  8. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-op-0824-greenwood-ravens-20170823-story.html
  9. Marty is going to be one of the big achilles heels for this team.
  10. It is not good when you have to string a bunch of hopes together.
  11. That is nowhere close to true. I think it is considerably worse. 5-11 I think would be a great season if Joe has problems.
  12. Will Eisenberg like you plagiarizing him?
  13. I would pay to see that.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fEMygEiSdc I am always amazed by the creativity of ppl. I have seen some very creative photoshopping and now this song.
  15. So Preston is to be trusted on this?
  16. He will be shocked when he hits the market.
  17. https://nflmocks.com/2017/08/18/ravens-actively-search-joe-flaccos-heir/ They are correct that the Ravens need to find Joe's replacement ASAP.
  18. https://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2017-baltimore-ravens-1797932196 Dude is dropping bombs. HE is way more harsh than I am but he makes some good points.
  19. The whole plan of how to build the OL for the season is what smells.
  20. https://twitter.com/Ravens/status/898582272793657345 It is done.
  21. I know he wasn't going to play in the PS. I thought he would have been practicing by now unless he is really hurt.
  22. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bs-sp-flacco-return-back-injury-20170817-story.html I think they are totally bullshitting now. So it will be a full month and Jeo hasn't touched the field. It feels like the PUP list is next.
  23. Then stop ignoring it.
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