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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. At the moment he might come for the min.
  2. https://ebonybird.com/2017/08/02/baltimore-ravens-5-free-agents-they-could-still-target/ Mangold is #1. Not sure where they find cap space for any of these guys.
  3. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/News-and-Notes-82-Offensive-Line-Has-to-Shuffle-to-Get-Through-Practice/5733dd00-4b7c-492f-848b-d82d2a0b2049
  4. I would love some media member to have the balls to ask about this in relation to the leagues stand on selling patriotism at the start of games. How does he way both of those?
  5. Yeah lots of guys say they are fine when they aren't. Until he is bacon the field there is no telling.
  6. One CK already said he would not take a knee anymore. As for the flag and the anthem. The league charged the military to do that. It was a money making venture for them. This is all they believe in.
  7. https://www.baltimorebeatdown.com/2017/8/2/16083398/lt-ronnie-stanley-and-c-ryan-jensen-did-not-finish-practice-ravens I noticed you changed the title to the thread again. Well tack up 2 more. We shall see what this really means.
  8. So you are saying that when ppl are treated against constitutional rights they should move to another country? CK wants the laws that exist to be upheld.
  9. https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/892479844096909312 Career might be over.
  10. Hammies can be bad. One moment it is tight the next it is pulling.
  11. It was not just slavery. It was Jim Crow and everything past then that has been an issue.
  12. CB was supposed to be really deep this yr. They are much thinner for at least a while.
  13. Goose is the one I have kept seeing ppl banking on at OG.
  14. When the Star Spangled Banner says that the slaves blood should wash away the British away I don't think it stands for black people. The country is more than the flag. It is more the Constitution. Every country including totalitarian states have flags. They don't have a Constitution that protects their ppl. Maybe he doesn't run off bc this is where he lives and he just wants to make it better. Again the laws "protecting" the flag are not constitutional. I think Jefferson was smart enough to know what was right for the country. No not everything is about race but CK's protest was about how minorities have been abused.
  15. Come on you are a weak minded dolt. Every yr you talk of 12-4 or 14-2. Now you make excuses. So Joe won it all in 2014 and Kubes did nothing but he sucked like crap in 2013 and that was bc the leaders left. Go drown in the Atlantic. You are pathetic.
  16. Funny how you talk of fake news when you don't know what is happening.
  17. And what about 2015? What about 2013?
  18. Not with the production he has had. The other dude I had not even heard of before reading this article is the camp body.
  19. Then it is his fault and his alone missing the PO 3 of the past 4 yrs.
  20. I notice you ignored the leaders part. You would be Kubes personal cock holster if he would come back as OC.
  21. So the anthem was not written for CK's ancestors and how does one disrespect a piece of cloth? IF the country stands for minorities like it does for others then this would not be an issue. But when I read what a bunch of ppl have written it is purely rescist.
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