I did. He was better than 8 QBs. I also watched film of Joe being a useless POS check collector. He has a job. In a few weeks they will be needing bodies. Who is ready to suit up?
If Bullock had pulled Grbac when he was panicking I think the Ravens comeback. But as everyone knows you have to kiss Elvis' ass even if that means sacrificing the PO now.
They were #7 to end the season. Most of the season they were #1. So you think by being either another 2 spots better or 3 worse they will be a better than middle of the pack team?
He was a 4th rounder. Makes you wonder why ppl just ASSumed he was going to be a superstar right out of the box? Then that makes you wonder why ppl think al the rookies and 2nd yr guys will be stars this season?