Over the yrs I have thought he should bring in Norv, Hue, and Arians. Any of them are fr and away better than everyone Harbs has brought in of his own free will.
Harbs has proven to be a suspect coach for yrs. He makes the same mistakes all the time. He has no idea what is happening on O or D so he lets his coordinators have free reign. It is time for him to be shown the door.
Did you think the Dback made a case for them to actually get into the playoffs? When they have to play real competition they have been pretty consistently bad since the all star break.
So you think Goodie can get the evidence on that what a decade later? Come on be real. I was far from shocked Cam was fired again. Les I guess didn't get a clear directive that either Cam goes or you go with him like Harbs did. Also the only time that offense had a QB was Mettenberg who was a transfer.