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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Then how come it works like crap before Kubes then worked so well for Kubes then went back to crap after Kubes? Are you sure it is the same system they run? With the same ppl Kubes got more production. That is not Ozzie.
  2. When he has been tinkering with the OL and the run game it has sucked. Rice's last yr. They bring in Kubes and he has complete authority and the OL plays well. He leaves and the line is mediocre again.
  3. I have already been hearing them. And honestly they have a point. I don't hear the talking heads around here being dismissive to them anymore either.
  4. So poplar starting to swing into my camp. The run blocking has sucked since Castillo has been here. But keeping your pal at coach is more important than being effective as a team.
  5. Suicicd Squad is as deficient as advertised. They have no idea what order to make these movies in.
  6. Everything on main st from where the damage starts to teh river should be razed. Nothing should be built on the low lying area. This will happen again and again. Since the street is ripped apart put a giant drainage pipe under it to the river to help prevent that much water again.
  7. Look at LA now. Matbe the whole state should be abandoned.
  8. As my coach said to us during practice. Do don't try.
  9. Are we going to play?
  10. I never said incomplete passes. He does have those but the ones where the receiver makes huge adjustments to get the ball happen more with him than most average QBs. His lack of accuracy makes it so they can't get the yac yards that can make an ok play into a great play. Smith has been hurt by this more than most. He has been the yac king forever. Where do the come up with thta? His OL is a question mark. His receivers are a question mark.
  11. How about the one he just did?
  12. He was making 2 dollars?
  13. As much as he does?
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUv43rUuDjI This is devastating.
  15. The OT they drafted I believe in the 4th might have been that option and all I have read is they expect him to start one day. But again how do you know his deal would not have effected the cap since it was never put out?
  16. But when he has wide open receivers and he still is inaccurate. I have seen it to many times for it not to be a trend.
  17. Then how do you know that it wouldn't hurt the cap?
  18. I have yet to see the value of the deal.
  19. Like New Orleans they need to let the lower portion of EC go. This will happen over and over so itis a waste of money to rebuild it.
  20. So where on this chart does it show where the WRs saved Joes bad throws. Eli and Trent above him show how bad a chart this is.
  21. All 18 were out from day 1?
  22. It was a good move to let him go. With his injury history you have to be careful.
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