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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/03/23/apprenticeships-making-comeback/81802858/ This needs to be done much more.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q371bquboBA
  3. If Bernie were to complain about Hillary's tone he would be accused of being sexist. So since the sexes are equal she is a sexist. Also how would she deal with Putin if she is so much of a coward to be at a debate?
  4. I realize that. I was being melodramatic using a term that was used in a very melodramatic way. There will always be things that are not covered. The question is where the line is set?
  5. I think he had at least a partial tear from Ngata. He should have been sat down for the season from that point. He should have been given sliding lessons also.
  6. There are those death panels we hear so much about.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDQANmQO2g0
  8. I knew a few ppl from the state that went to various CCs and when they got to Towson giant chunks of their credits were not taken. They had to plead and some got credits back but many still were short.
  9. They say his knee was fine after that hit but I do not believe it. What was it the next game after his knee failed that they diagnosed the ACL?
  10. The CC route I like but I have seen where a 4 yr school discounts giant chunks of their transcript. So they get in with 60 credits and an AA degree but the 4 yr school wont accept 24 credits of it. So basically almost a yr was a waste of money and time. I would like to see in CCs that in their course catalog where 4 yr schools in MD will accept specific classes in the transfer. So basically an Eng 101 at CCBC is the Eng 101 at Towson or UMCP.
  11. They love adding more to athletics. Admins make a ton even though they do little. They keep building bigger and shinier buildings that cost more and more.
  12. When I met with the financial aid officer at towson the first time and she showed me an estimated aid package I was about to walk away right then. She talked me down and said it was not that big a deal with all the loans. Like they say your first idea is usually the right one. Looking back now I feel like a mark by a grifter.
  13. http://comediansincarsgettingcoffee.com/garry-shandling-its-great-that-garry-shandling-is-still-alive This is really interesting since Gary is dead now.
  14. I realize they are allowed to do what they are doing but I don't hav e to like it. They milk the out of state students but get funding for an assumed larger in state number. So really they are double dipping the system. You could still have that soc 101 class but it is taught by a few profs and that is the extent of the soc for the school. Also you can do the online lecture that can teach hundreds at a time by 1 prof and get that instructor a few grad assistants to help administer the class.
  15. There would still be liberal arts schools. Some schools would decide to fill a niche in that market. But making students waste almost half of their schoolling on busy work classes that have no bearing to their careers is nonsense. It forces students to use departments that have maybe 30 students in that major. You could not run a department on 30 ppl so you make the masses take a class or two there to justify the need for the professors and admin staff. I get how he wants to push states to fund colleges. I think that is going to be easier siad than done. I look at schools like Towson that have that have stopped fulfilling their agreed upon founding mandate. I would love to see the state cast them out. If they want to educate the masses of the east coast be a private school. They love taking state funding but they also love getting out of state students.
  16. The execs screwed it up. To many disparate story lines and to many character intros. I would have kept it to just the fight between the two and a cameo of WW at the end.
  17. I have for a long time wondered where the pressure for funneling everyone to college came from. With th ealmost fraudulent way the college boards are run maybe there has been that push from their end. I like Bernie but I am not really down with his free tuition idea. While I like the idea of kids getting out without a debt burden I think it rewards these schools for price gouging. I would rather see a full federal aid elimination and the prices to reset from pure market reasons. After that the feds can come back but will only increase at the inflation rate. It will hurt some ppl but I think it is a long term fix. I also think schools should be held accountable for the jobs that can be had with their degrees. So many can't find jobs in theri field even with good degrees in say Math. If I could take over say Towson bc I know the school I would eliminate vast swaths of the liberal arts education. I would actually want the styudents to take more classes in their area of study. At that point I would let it be known that departments will exist as there is demnd for their classes. Really a sociology dept is a jobs program. Force business or bio majors to take classes that they will forget the moment the class is over is just to justify having these departments existence in the first place. Personally I wish I had never gone to school. Lots of debt and no skills taught.
  18. I saw the video one a while back. A few weeks ago I saw how the US Marshalls went to get a guy who had not paid his student loan.
  19. Cops arrested a reporter that went into a records building and was arrested for asking for records. A mailman was arrested for yelling at cops who almost hit his mail truck. I hope the cops are convicted of assaulting a federal employee.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-14SllPPLxY Almost forgot.
  21. The engineering issue is our poor grade school education. The powers that be like a dumb electorate but you need smart ppl to be engineers. On the trade front. That is the dumb ass everyone has to go to college route the high schools push kids to even if they shouldn't. I think HS should be more like a college and you work towards your interests and abilities. If a student is good with theri hands and not great at the writing and math end show them the trades and get them apprenticed while still in school.
  22. http://thekicker.com/rg-iii-shatters-wrist-signing-new-contract-with-browns/?utm_campaign=Organic&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=pagepost Devastating news.
  23. Never drink the water in Mexico. Only bottled. The economy being great is fake. It is all an illusion on a house of cards. The pro wall st trickledown concept is destroying the country.
  24. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/garry-shandling-dead-larry-sanders-show-show-1201738601/ Really to bad. One of the greats. Garry Shandling Dies at 66
  25. CNBC is about as liberal as the Heritage Foundation. They are a Wall St mouth piece. They hate left leaning things.
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