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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://espn.go.com/blog/new-england-patriots/post/_/id/4791162/chandler-jones-trade-throws-stick-of-dynamite-into-quiet-patriots-offseason NE swindles another team.
  2. That is why I said swing and a miss right after I wrote that. I didn't know he was walking right into the lobbying world.
  3. Both made bad choices and died bc of them.
  4. I watched a video yrs ago. Down in the amazon a baby egret was being reckless and getting to far from the nest. It fell in the water and the piranha ate it. The video went on to say how that bird could no go on and pass genes along to a new generation so now the egrets would be more naturally cautious. That is Darwinism. That bird like Tray made a reckless decision and now can't pass on its genes.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajoCWiGy-nM Eh swing and a miss.
  6. not sure about that. The GOP is known for eating their young when they aren't successful. He will have no job in the new yr. What will he do then? I can't see him pulling the huge money on the speaking circuit.
  7. Honestly I look at this as a win for Darwinism. If you aren't smart enough to wear a helmet then you aren't smart enough to survive.
  8. The Clinton's have made 150 mil since leaving the WH 15 yrs ago. True they were cash poor leaving but that was over really fast. Most have written best selling books and have worked the speech circuit. I have a feeling that the Clinton foundation has been used for less than noble reasons also. Obama has written multiple best sellers. In a year he will get very rich.
  9. Hell the ref acknowledged him then they threw the flag. I think a better idea is to replace all the officials.
  10. Just before the fall you do really well. It happens all the time.
  11. http://thirdmonthmania.com/generate.html#jvcmt5t2tptwcrcJtOcztJtXcAcdt7cdcjtBcjtRcGtocDcbcMcoc7c0cLcXtYcAcVtwcRt1c1tycDc4t7cwcPt5cwc4cxcxtmt1czt3cbt0cWcvcRcvcNtzcqt4tecj http://thirdmonthmania.com/
  12. I really am not sure about that. You can go get the signatures for the GE right now. Don't let Reagan and Clinton off the hook for letting the banks run wild.
  13. There are some. There are even dems who are anti-clinton and are for Trump. Both are the most negatives ever. I am pretty sure Clinton loses.
  14. I get that. I am just saying the price was to high for what he is now. They would be better off rolling his salary into the 2017 cap.
  15. $5.75 isn't nothing. That comes out of your pot to fix holes on your team.
  16. Except I think the Ravens overspent on him. I don't see $5.75 of WR there. I think you can get his production for a couple mil less.
  17. I don't know he can do that.
  18. OK I have thought on this for a while now. What value is Wallace unless you are going to get Ben to be his QB? He has been getting worse since leaving the Stealers. I think he really might just be a product of Ben being great.
  19. The problem is if HRC is the nom how many ppl will just stay home on the left? If it is the two of them it really could be the lowest turnout in US election history.
  20. There have been GOP supporters at Bernie rallies.
  21. You have to look at the system the establishment has created. You have to have so much money to run for office. To get that money you have to beg from rich ppl (there is time set asides every single day for a rep to hit the phones and beg for money and if you don't do it you are exiled and will be pushed out of your office next election). So now you are beholden to those ppl. Look at the Kochs and Sheldon Adelson. Also they start digging into you looking for everything. Why would a normal intelligent person put themselves through this?
  22. https://www.rawstory.com/2016/03/trump-militia-forms-to-forcefully-protect-rally-goers-against-far-left-agitators/ Here come the Brown Shirts.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOteZSaejh8 I saw that about an hour ago. I have placed the odds that there is proof that Drumpf ordered someone dead at 1-3.
  24. I bet billions of ppl wish someone had spoken out against Hitler in the 30's.
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