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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Vote-For-New-Ravens-Uniform-For-Fun/ca33fd04-7118-4fdb-9676-6c695ee231f5
  2. I would not say luckier for the Stealers on WRs. They are just very good at finding and developing the position. Then you really should write that in some kind of logical english.
  3. The way he treated her afterwards like she was a sack of trash leads me to think this was not the first time.
  4. He should have asked for a longer susp so when the inevitable 2nd vid came out it could be said that he was severely punished.
  5. What? NE and Dolts? They aren't in the same div. Right now I would say the NFCW is the toughest div in football.
  6. Until you have no legs of course. Also with good OTs non existent. How did they wina SB in 3 yrs after a 1996 draft?
  7. They were snot green/yellow. They were horrid.
  8. He very well might be one of those guys who can never stray healthy. So use him up until he has nothing left. I would not use him on STs. Save him for a real need on offense.
  9. Or he was going to blow his achillies no matter what bc he has so many moles. But say he stayed healthy I would not have expected more than 4. I think he was about to be done. He could not even be in shape to start camp.
  10. I don't think Suggs was going to be anything this yr. To many miles on those legs. Ozzie definitely made the right move with Ngata.
  11. Yeah the terps get their ass kicked this yr.
  12. 2011 only had 1 good QB in Cam. Cutler was the only one in 06. Palmer in 03. Sometimes there are yrs with none and sometimes with just 1. That does not stop a team from selecting the good one. So can you come up with a more logical idea.
  13. I made the point of what has happened in 15 yrs. That was the challenge to me and I showed it to be false. Now since 08 sure lots of wins. But now the cap has gotten out of control and players that should be paid at one level are making to much pushing talent needed to win out the door. Weak conf suck by definition. Throw Towson in the SEC and lets see how many wins they have? They were 7-4 this season BTW with a loss to ECU who plays in the American. I would put money down if they did play in the SEC that they don't win a game. Towson is a big fish in a weak sucking conf.
  14. If that is true then he is skyrocketing. I am not impressed with Goff. Pitt has 2 SBs 9 PO appearances and 7 ACFN wins during that time. Ravens have 9 PO appearances as well. But they have only 4 Div wins. So objectively the Ravens have not been the most dominant other than NE. NE doesn't always need decent. I think Joe needs pretty great weapons. http://espn.go.com/ncf/qbr Lynch was ranked at the #11 QB last yr. So he didn't come out of nowhere. So American Athletic Conf sucks compared to the Colonial where Joe played. University of Houston's Case Keenum beat the Ravens in 2014. They also has Andre Ware play there. I think it is pretty insulting that you think Navy sucks. Dennis Byrd played at Tulsa. Yeah Tulane didn't have Matt Forte as a stud. Why do you think Raymond Berry sucks? He played at SMU along with Emanuel Sanders, Eric Dickerson, and Don Meredith. Raheen Brock and Muhammed Wilkerson played at Temple. The headcase Jason Pierre-Paul played at USF. UC has players like Conor Barwin, Brent Celek, and Travis Kelce. ECU has player like Ernest Byner and Chris Johnson. I guess you think Kamar Aiken should be cut. He played at UCF. Finally Memphis has had players like Issac Bruce, Andy Nelson, Gostkowski, and DeAngelo Williams. So seems to me the conf is pretty substantial. I have looked at about a dozen mocks and Lynch is no lower than #10. I am not sure how a top 10 player is a sleeper. Maybe you can explain that.
  15. What exactly sucks about Paxton Lynch?
  16. OK then that gets back to 1 dealing with the cap properly so you have room to get those players. So you need to ID guys to keep and those to let go and even if fans get upset send some away. 2 not all QBs need great weapons. So if your QB does then he shoudl be making less money so you can get him those weapons.
  17. You like the one QB that can't play QB in the NFL. That is what you said. Those were your words. I know. I believe 1994 was the beginning of the cap. That is why I said that. Back in Unitas' days you could keep a team together. So you have not noticed hwo tight on the cap the Ravens have been the last several yrs? Having to adjust contract and make major cuts or trades to just get under.
  18. And he has been.
  19. Agreed. Perry admits he cheated but he is celebrated.
  20. Also they had no issue trotting him out for the All Star game. When he can financially benefit baseball they are fine with having him around.
  21. It is not the fans. It is Goodell.
  22. The CFL last I knew was not interested like they are holding the black balling against him too.
  23. So when did the salary cap start under those old colts teams?
  24. RL was cash poor until his 2nd FA contract. He had all the business deeals go bad also. Rice's lawyers probably had investigators or something. I would not be shocked if his lawyer was $500 per hr or something.
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