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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. No. You have to save players frm themselves.
  2. I was watching highlights at half and it looked like he was wearing a ring. If so that is incredibly stupid.
  3. Chiefs aren't good so that could be a win but the only one.
  4. That's not new.
  5. I so think that is fake. That kid can't act for crap.
  6. No just on football play. I hate when they will not go for the kill when it is time.
  7. Gotta like going for the heart on that play.
  8. This game is terrible.
  9. ??????????????????????
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlMGPRHryxA
  11. Well Miles is staying now. I would have back channeled Kelly. I do not see OBrien coming here but Chip is a real possibility.
  12. But it gives every team more room to make moves. A salary last yr that was $5mil this yr will be 6.
  13. Davis was gone when he hit 53 HRs.
  14. Kelly or waiting for Miles.
  15. That Kristen Stewart line is funny. I like him. I have seen him play the awkward guy in Zombieland but then in Now you see me he is super arrogant.
  16. Yeah he is Lex. That was known for about a yr now. At some point he does go bald in it.
  17. Now You See Me, Zombiland, The Social Network are all things I have loved him in.
  18. http://www.wect.com/story/30644859/video-panthers-fan-put-in-choke-hold-by-security-at-game-against-cowboys
  19. Really? I think he is great.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yViIi3gie2c I think this will have real issues but wow does this trailer look good.
  21. http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2015/12/02/dj-durkin-is-new-maryland-football-head-coach/ D.J. Durkin Is New Maryland Football Head Coach Well there you go. When this fail and I do think it will fail Anderson has to leave. They might as well have stuck with Edsell.
  22. Also there was an agreement between Faisal and Lawrence to bring the jews back and fix Palestine.
  23. After WW1 France and England decided to draw boarders with groupings of kurds, sunni, and Shiia. They wanted infighting. Lawrence and Gertrude Belle for example wanted to make a Kurdistan then a Sunni countries and the Shiia ones. They were looking tto break it up.
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