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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Honestly more competent ownership would be a good thing.
  2. Williams was an assassin out there today.
  3. I suspect you will start seeing guys makiing plans and going through the motions now.
  4. Thx for stating the obvious.
  5. I have never asked him.
  6. OK then show me when this happened. That would not be shocking at all. AP returns are not the norm.
  7. No just being amused by poor play. Unlike someone here I do not wish injuries on players.
  8. Ken is late 30's early 40's.
  9. He is not old enough to retire.
  10. But he is better at his job than you are.
  11. You can't even get that right. It is Schaub time. Lets see if anything is in the tank.
  12. The were lucky Truth hurts.
  13. The point is you are making childish excuses.
  14. Its sad you can't admit the team is just not good.
  15. Not even the lead and much more than 4:07.
  16. Are you seeeing all those empty seats?
  17. Aiken is a keeper.
  18. I am already there. He just makes stupid faces. So he cut Jackson. Bench a star for doing something stupid.
  19. Williams is a total stud.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/baltimoreravens/videos/10153311491341229/ Ed Reed comes on the field.
  21. Also Upshaw on Welker wasn't called that play.
  22. Come on 200 yds in penalties.
  23. So that penalty on Austin hurt the Ravens how?
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